Izual Rogue strategy?

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Izual Rogue strategy?

Post by sandyb87 »

Izual isn't in the original game so I cant find any info on him.

I'm a rogue and I'm getting destroyed, I usually use chain lightning which is slightly effective but he is very quick and once he freezes me and closes in he kills me very quickly. He also seems to be immune to stone curse so I cant use that.

Is he weak to anything?
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Post by DacianDraco »

All quest bosses are immune to Stone Curse, any other monster in game isn't. As for strategy, it's mostly the same as Fleshdoom from Hell lvl 11, just that he freezes you, and generally you shouldn't allow anyone to get in melee range with you.

Anyway i figure you cleared the level already and have the Temple's Keystone, so before you place it on the pedestal, summon a few Guardians right by the wall that will open up. Have Bone Spirit on LMB and Golem on RMB and as soon as he appears summon the Golem near him so he gets into melee with it, the (now frozen) Golem won't do anything just keep him busy for a few sec while you cast about 5-10 Bone Spirits (don't really now the nr, as many as you feel safe casting), and after this start moving back cause the Golem goes down fast. Then you basically start circling the level while summoning more Golems to keep him from advancing too much, casting more Bone Spirits in his general direction and keep running away to keep the distance between the both of you. Do this until he's hp is way down, then finish him off with whatever you want, if not the bow then cast Elemental or Chain Lightning cause these also seek the nearest target, so you can keep moving and not worry about targeting too much, just like Bone Spirit it's enough to cast in his general direction.
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Post by Samson »

Izual was tough as an Assassin. I ended up resorting to a cheap method to cheese and kill him. Using my Assassin's Stealth, I snuck out to just beyond his sight range, then fired Lightning at him over and over again until he died. It's funny, he was standing right at the edge of my computer monitor, but he seemed unable to realize I was there :D Melee combat against a Haste/Frost opponent wouldn't have been fun, I can tell you that much.
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Post by sandyb87 »

I did something similar, I used teleport to get away from him and eventually he got stuck and stopped following me.

I just kept on using guardian and eventually he died. :lol:
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Post by sandyb87 »

Alright now I'm stuck at the bloodknight boss in diablos domain that teleports right next to you. :oops:

You cant even run away because he appears right next to you even if you're using teleport, and then he just stun-locks you.
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Post by DacianDraco »

He can Teleport on you only if you are more than 3 squares away, so you can walk safely at that distance forever if you need to, also he doesn't Charge at that distance. But what you must do is summon a Golem so he gets into melee with it and stay close to them (no further than 3 squares) and hold your pointer over the Golem to see it's health, instead of Bloodlord's. When it's dead you should immediately start walking away from him (he starts walking towards you, maybe reduces the distance by 1 square if your reaction wasn't fast enough) summon a new Golem (he gains 1 square distance while you are standing still and casting) and then start walking again (still 1 square distance between you both) until the Golem gets in melee with him. When he does remember to set the distance between you both at 3 squares and throw something at him (Guided Arrow or any auto-target spell) while the Golem distracts him, then repeat. Hope i explained it clearly.
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Post by sandyb87 »

my golem gets killed in about 2 seconds so its kinda useless, its level 5 and I cant go any higher at the moment even with +magic gear.

Maybe I can cheese him with guardian if I get some minus light radius gear?
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Post by DacianDraco »

I'm reluctant about cheesing and don't know of any way to cheese him. I just dance with him like i described. You could try switching to MAG gear and see if it makes you Golem tankier or overlevel a bit more, if it can take 3-4 hits before it's destroyed that leaves you some time to cast a few spells (Bone Spirit to whittle him down and something else to finish him) at Bloodlord, and after that keep dancing around until Golem timer recharges and repeat. With enough damage you can also put him in hit recovery thou i feel you may lack in this area. You could also run around a 1 square object (chest, floor bone) and he won't Teleport on you, thou he does stop for a short time to hit the air and you could take advantage and fire one hit at him.
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Post by sandyb87 »

Would grinding a few levels help? Or is he to strong and with the rogues low health it doesn't make much difference?

I'm pretty bad at dancing around fast moving bosses, they almost always catch me and then I get stunned locked and die. I might have to practice moving around objects more.
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Post by DacianDraco »

It doesn't hurt, even if you play the game without grinding at all you will barely get to clvl 50 by the time you finish Torment, so from 50 up to clvl 60 it's just grinding. I was suggesting it because the Golem gets better with MAG and also with your clvl, since you can't learn anymore spell lvls at this time. And you have to use Golem, i think everybody does to avoid his Teleport, even in melee with each hit Bloodlord's speed increases, so unless you have high pretty dmg to get him into hit recovery you need something to distract him. What clvl are you?
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Post by sandyb87 »

I didn't know his hits get faster after each strike, I guess that explains how quickly he takes you out. I was thinking of just using a shield and sword but that would most likely be useless against him.

I'm currently lvl 29, base stats are s:31 m:71 d:105 v:47

with gear I'm s:56 m:109 d:137 v:94
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Post by DacianDraco »

Oh wow, you made some mistakes. From now on don't spend anymore points into VIT or MAG, for your 71 points spent on these 2 you got only 21 life and 50 mana, which is not worth it, and on top you lost dmg, some AC and your characters skills suffer because you didn't spend those points into DEX. You actually have less than half of what you should have by now (because you put only 69 points in DEX). But don't panic, when you reach max level you can redistribute all your points from leveling, so put all points into DEX then, maybe a few in STR to wear better gear and gain some innate dmg.

And i'd suggest you get to lvl 32 to unlock Sightless Eye (great single target dmg skill). So if you can just keep rerunning Temple of the Damned and Terror's Domain (i'd guess 6-7 runs), because it gives best drops and you gain most xp there. Thou even with Sightless Eye you might not put him into recovery because of low DEX issue, nevertheless the skill also increase with clvl from clvl 34 upwards, but that's just too much to grind. Anyway let us know how it goes after you've gained a few more lvls.
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Post by sandyb87 »

Yeh I followed a guide that was for the original diablo and it said to put some into magic. I also didn't know that the potions you get towards the end of the game aren't permanent like the original and vit is the only potions you couldn't buy.

Maybe I should should use a hack or trainer to redistribute my points?

Also off topic question, can you create any good gear from the anvil? or is it pretty much useless?

Terrors domain is diablos level, Temple of the Damned? I cant seem to remember where that is, its a bezelbub only level?
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Post by DacianDraco »

Mea culpa, i was tired and i actually meant to say Unholy Altar (where Lazarus is) instead of Temple of the Damned (where Izual is). As for hacks or trainers, i don't believe any of them work with this mod, since it basically is a recode and handles characters differently. Also don't follow anymore classic D1 guides, they don't apply and can hurt your character in the long run. The Rogue is imo 2nd or 3rd most powerful and easy to play character, so not all is lost and there is no need to restart, you just need to redistribute into DEX all the points you had put in MAG and VIT, and this will happen when you reach max level.

As for Crafts the 3rd and 4th set of recipes from each group are the best ones to craft with, the first 2 sets are a bit underwhelming and can be just a little better than rares, thou most rolls are not. The best crafts are pretty high level but for ex here are some decent crafts you could use at the level you are now:
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Post by sandyb87 »

Yeh I've been running the unholy altar a few times, luckily its one of the easiest rooms and Lazarus is a push over.

I haven't found the spell weavers amulet recipe yet, I've got some rogue necromancer sorcerer and barbarian recipes but that's it. Are the recipes random drops as well?
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