Bugs and suggestions

Diablo 1 HD, codename Belzebub - General forum.
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Post by Wingard »

I know... >.>
But there is no such option in-game.
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Post by Noktis »

Because this screenshot comes from developer version.
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Post by Martim »

Thank you for the explanation, Wingard! And about posting pictures, I've already tried this, even so I couldn't, but this is not actually important.

Noktis: Now I understand what happend. My screen is 4:3, and it's an big screen, that's why it seems so low the 800x600 resolution. But I would really prefer to play on 1024x600, even though my screen is 4:3. Is it possible somehow? Because I don't have this resolution option.

Another question: Wouldn't this difference between resolutions (4:3 and 16:9) cause some unbalance in multiplayer?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause all this fuss.
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Post by radicool »

My screen has a 16:9 aspect ratio (1366x768 pixels), however the 1024x600 resolution is not available to me. I play in the 800x600 resolution and my computer automatically stretches it for some reason. Not sure why. I do have a 1024x768 resolution option. Strange.
Another question: Wouldn't this difference between resolutions (4:3 and 16:9) cause some unbalance in multiplayer?
Good question. Technically yes (given players use native resolution aspect ratio) because a 16:9 offers more vertical lines (allowing the player to see more on each side of his/her screen).

I think most people have widescreens anyway. Perhaps you could have the option to choose a 16:9 aspect ratio even when on a 4:3 screen. It'll squish the image, but still may help. I don't think it's too much of a concern though to be honest.
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Post by radicool »

Not sure if anyone knows the death gold bug is still around or has been fixed but here it is. Version 1.045.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N67b4Cn ... e=youtu.be
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Post by Constance »

1024x600 is actually not 16:9, and as far as I know only some netbooks such as Asus' EeePCs use that. That's pretty non-standard, which is certainly why your graphic card's drivers don't give you that option.
I remember reading somewhere it may be possible to manually add some resolutions by editing some .inf file then registering it again... but I wouldn't recommend messing with that.

Edit :
I play in the 800x600 resolution and my computer automatically stretches it for some reason. Not sure why.
Your graphics drivers and/or your monitor may have an option somewhere for it, typically you should have at least 3 choices such as maintain aspect ratio, display at 1:1 size, or stretch.

Edit again : something has been bothering me for a while now... the enhanced version of the scimitar is called rapier, but it doesn't look like a rapier at all. Rapiers have straight a blade, not curved.
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Post by Noktis »

1024x600 - this is WSVGA standard and some monitors suport this resolution.
which is certainly why your graphic card's drivers don't give you that option
Graphic cards or monitors i'm not sure which one. Maybe both.

But you can use 600p scaled mode (Works with every aspect ratio).
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Post by Martim »

I would prefer to have those 2 black tracks up and down the screen to have it stretched.
Edit: Notkis: so this means that I cannot use the 1024x600 resolution? In my machine when I put scaled 600p is the "same" as 800x600 resolution.
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Post by baboun »

Give more frw in dungeons please
maybe need to re-adapt speed of mobs too
it's so boring as fuck unless you get your hands on a fuckin tele book
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Post by thecurse »

why is the private stash 50 pages, but the shared one only 10?
It´d be rather usefull the other way around, or both 50, since you wanna have the good stuff or sets available for all characters.
Please increase shared stash, i´d see nothing made worse with that, except you need less mule characters...

(i have 2 pages each for unique weapons, armor and sets and non-unique very good items i collect, which leaves me only 2 pages currently, and there´s still so much stuff to be found...)
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Post by POMPyro »

Amazing mod. Having very much fun!
For suggestion, destination of TP as in Diablo II:

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Post by thecurse »

there seems to be a bug involving the yellow zombies.
normally they´re temporarily decreasing your health (thank god you changed that from the original behaviour).
But i just encountered multiple times a strange bug, where they dmg me/kill me when they should not.
playing as a sorc, had full mana shield (~1000) and champion yellow zombie killed my golem. the sorc instantly died, even though he did not get any damage.
happened similar some times before, my health globe got partially emptied, even though i had lots of mana shield remaining, when they were attacking the golem.
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Post by Kirkor »


Jako że kilka dni temu znalazłem tego moda i przez ten czas trochę w niego pograłem, postanowiłem rzucić na tym forum kilka sugestii. Piszę po polsku, bo z tego co zauważyłem gra jest rozwijana przez Polaków, więc po co sobie i Wam utrudniać życie :)

Zapewne część z tych sugestii już się pojawiła, ale może stać mnie na coś oryginalnego...

- Mapa powinna pokazywać wszelkie waypointy, teleporty, portale i przejścia. Fajnie jakby było też na niej widać NPCów dających questy (np rycerza, który szuka złotego eliksiru) oraz ważnych dla fabuły przedmiotów (Czarny Grzyb, czy Kij Lazarusa, czy jakoś tak).
- Trochę kontrowersyjne: Autopodnoszenie złota, jeśli obok niego przechodzimy. W sumie oszczędziłoby to trochę klikania i łażenia, nie zabierając w zasadzie nic z gameplayu
- Strasznie mi się podoba poziom z Andariel - mega klimatyczny i pasujący do Diablo. Dajcie więcej poziomów! :)
W sumie byłoby fajnie, gdyby wejście do katedry było poprzedzone właśnie takim klimatycznym lasem (choć to już może byłaby zbyt wielka zmiana w stosunku do oryginalnego Diablo)
- Postać powinna być od razu wyleczona po rozpoczęciu rozmowy z Peppinem, bez konieczności klikania odpowiedniego dialogu.
- To samo co wyżej, tyle że z uzupełnianiem many u Adrii
- Opcje gry powinny być dostępne już z poziomu głównego menu. W tej chwili zmiana ustawień graficznych czy dźwięku jest możliwa tylko po rozpoczęciu gry.

- Zauważyłem jeden, dość chyba poważny: Butcher nie atakuje nas, jeśli bijemy go z dużej odległości. Po prostu stoi tam, póki nie skończą mu się HP.
Wiem że planujecie ograniczyć zoomout, ale dalej można tak zrobić, rzucając guardiany na skraj ekranu.

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Post by alephnaught »

Having just beaten Diablo (on Normal) I have a few thoughts/suggestions so far.

- Griswold almost never has anything worth buying. Drops always beat shops in the Diablo series and that's as it should be, but it'd be nice if he occasionally had some interesting stock. As it is, once you're bringing in enough $ to keep your potions stocked up, there's very little use for your exponentially-growing wealth beyond that.
- Gheed has the same problem. Items are often better than Griswold's, but he never had anything better than the stuff I'd picked up.
- Lightning spell appears to be massively overpowered. Even as a warrior, my best tactic by far throughout the game was to scull back mana potions and spam lightning. Tried very hard to build up my melee skills so I could play as the class is intended, but I could never come close to the DPS of my lightning spell.
- Early in the game I had a lot of freezing when trading with Griswold. Seemed to stop happening after a while, though.
- As noted elsewhere, the Soulstone Chamber is bugged - took me about five attempts before I could finish it.
- The penalty for death could be harsher. The GP hit never affected me at all since I had so much spare coin.
- So much inventory tetris and potion management. It'd be nice if the inventory was bigger or had an auto-arrange function. Also would be cool if potions would automatically refill belt slots from inventory.
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Post by Martim »

Bug: when pressing hotkey F# and short after press "w" to change weapon, "w" doesn't work, it doesn't change to secondary weapons. You need to wait a while to change weapon. Strange bug.

Suggestion: Does automatic change to the staff's spell when changing to secondary weapon annoy anyone else?

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