%chance to cast "x" when struck and "y"

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%chance to cast "x" when struck and "y"

Post by Nomic »

In the current state, these kinds of affixes seem like more of a pest (or in some cases a death sentence) than beneficial.

I started to get annoyed with this when I started wearing the armor "stoneskin" which has great defense and resistances and the very important cannot be frozen affix. The problem with the armor is the fact that it randomly stone curses monsters who attack you. In the case of Lightning/Arcane/Poison enchanted monsters this is obviously a really big setback since they take very little damage while stone cursed but still release their deadly retaliation when struck. I shrugged this off as a kind of "tradeoff" for being such good armor, you would have to play around this hazard and I guess it added depth.

Next I picked up the Dragon's Breach shield thinking I was really lucky to find such a great shield only to now realise that the thing is a total disaster and pretty much unusable. When you strike or are struck it has a chance to release a pathetic low level inferno (which looks kinda cool) but the problem is that the "enchanted" type monsters trigger off of each tick of the inferno. To make things worse, each little projectile that hits you also has a chance to trigger another inferno...the effect is very similar to audio feedback in a microphone and results in very swift and unavoidable death if you are "lucky" enough to proc the inferno. Within the space of a second or two monsters are spewing out literal carpets of lightning, which is in turn proccing more infernos which is in turn making more lightning...and your health disappears faster than your fingers can press potion buttons.

My point is not to cry for buffs or nerfs, but just to bring this to attention and wonder if this is intended or maybe an oversight in the design of some of the monsters/items in the game. It would be a shame if some of the best items in the game are rendered useless to this kind of phenomenon.
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Post by Gamma_Corvi »

Next I picked up the Dragon's Breach (...) and your health disappears faster than your fingers can press potion buttons.
Totaly agree with everything that Nomic wrote. I started to play with warrior some days ago and when I completed nightmare difficulty on 30 clvl, I started exping on nighmare MP10 because monsters there are realy easy to kill with gear I use (Blade of five suns/Zakarumite's Ceremonial Knife, Stoneskin, Dragon's Breath, Gladiator's Gridle, Bloodlord's Visor and rare jewelery with 30 str/30 dex/ 30 vita/ 20 @ stats/ 6% ml/ 5% ll/ @ res 3X/ +4X hp), and they give 1X k xp. The only problem is for example Bladedancer the Quick or Azure Drakes / Blood Lords Champions. Bladedancer the Quick have ability to cast poison projectile when he get's any hit (by spell or weapon). There is no way to block this, there is no resistance for this kind of spell. He also paying back with charged lightings. So inferno from shield menshioned works like trigger of these poison/lighting projectiles. And this doesn't matter do I have 75@ res or 95@res. This combo is like challenge entitled "how is your personal time record in pushing buttons from 1 to 5?" just as Nomic wrote.

Conclusion: Firstly, I think that these monsters are a little overpowered, secondly, there should be poison resistance stats in first general character sheet near to others "resistance frames" because for me personaly such a solution we have at the moment is meaningless.

Post by BrightLord »

Game will be rebalanced.

Currently there are three biggest balance problems:
- Many spells are way too powerfull and need huge nerfs
- Normal monsters too weak compared to player
- Player # mode gives too big benefits for little difficulty increase
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Post by Gamma_Corvi »

Tell us more about that.

Post by BrightLord »

Tell us exactly what you want to know. :twisted:
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Post by Gamma_Corvi »

But who is asking and who is answering, that's the question. :lol:
(song from Mortal Kombat surrounded in the background)

- which spells You think are too powerfull and why?
- why normal monsters are too weak compared to the player?
- why do You think that MP modegives too big benefits?

Post by BrightLord »

Brightlord is answering, over.

1. Many spells are slightly too powerfull too early and compared to physical attacks and arrows but biggest problem are some damage over time spells like lightning, chain lightning and walls. They simply do too much damage compared to everything else. Necromancer and Ass-ass-in require some more tunning aswell.

2. It would be better if boss monsters were a little weaker (some are too extreme) and normal monsters posed bigger threat.

3. Player # was supposed to just give extra challange and not become way to grind exp and items.

All will be adressed with multiplayer version.
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Post by Gariounette »

Normal monster are too weak ?
Well i think there's different point of view about this, but there is sure some balance to make.

As a newbe to this mod, i created some char to test the game. The begining was sure easy. Would like to say "work as intended" for the normal mod in MP0 (didn't knew about this fonction). If normal mobs are too weak, maybe some boss are too strong. First time in the noaml lvl 13 - 16+, especialy the terror domain, there was a really jump in difficulty that force to farm stuff for the first char. Then i played in nightmare, and of corse, because of farming in normal game, i was too strong and begin to play in MP 5 - 10 depending on the bosses, but here come the same problem arriving in level 13+, farming needed again...

If the lvl 13+ are easyer, don't need to farm, and playing in nightmare with less Clvl, less stuff, the normal mob would be less weaker and we could finish the needed leveling to make the 13+ nightmare in case of rushing all the cathedral catacomb and cave just to crash on the seal boss wall and return to farming again on the same lost tresure spot (wich is really unbalanced too, too fast to farm, too much stuff on the 3 tresure chest, then five boss plus plenty of spell book).

In fact i think the game resume as farming lost tresure juste the time to kill diablo and jump to next difficulty, then rush all the useless stuff to go farming lost treasure again :s

PS : For the initial question, yes it's annoying that the "enchented" monster proc at evry hit, and if the char has multiple dommage source, like proc or fire dommage on other piece stuff, amulet, ring, armor etc... the enchented proc for evry different source wich could result as 4 or more proc in one hit and could one shoot anybody. For my first warrior i must have made a special stuff with no other dommage source on stuff for kill enchented mob wich where impossible to survive one hit...

Post by BrightLord »

Yes, that kind of feedback repulse damage "mortal combats" will have to go away for multiplayer to reduce lag.
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Post by Gariounette »

Maybe just a 200 or 300ms CD could be playable even in multiplayer :)
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Post by Gamma_Corvi »

1. I have a little time to play so I stopped playing necromancer and started the adventure with Ass-ass-in (in a free translation into Polish Do-w-cipniczką) to know the character shortcomings and weaknesses. For now I'm 30 clvl and it's too early for me to say anything. In parallel I also play Rogue, so far without going crazy. I decided not to gainmore than 50 clvl. I will be informed on a regular basis about my observations. If you're talking about the necromancer, I think that Blood Ritual should be available much sooner if not as quickly as Mage's Mana Shield.

2. Yes, for example Bladedancer the Quick.

3. I only play MP 10 mode, but I didn't notice that items from ilvl 50 or even ~ ilvl 45 were rained down too often and exaggerated.

Roger that.
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