Single Player Mode

Diablo 1 HD, codename Belzebub - General forum.
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Post by carpediem86 »

I think most people like the way this works, but of course there are some advantages of the old style with save/load.

"Exit the game and next time I "load", I will have to clean all Level 14 again or at least until I find the damn stair, and than AGAIN clean all Level 15 to find the stairs Level 16!!!"

1. Press escape and leave your computer on, or in sleep mode if you want to save electricity. Problem solved.

2. When you start the game next time take the waypoint to lvl 14, use warp spell. 50/50 that you will get to lvl 15 in seconds. If not you could make a new game. You don't have to clear lvl 14 again to go to 15. Also this game is difficult, so you might need to get more exp anyway. To beat hell it took me many tries with both my characters that beat it, and still I have one trying.
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Post by Pmz87 »

Speaking of pacing, single player had a vastly different feel than multiplayer because entire challenge was to survive to the next level on your own wits, using your own tactics, making the best of what you gear had acquired to that point. You couldn't zerg through stuff with your friend because blindly running ahead on on-level content would be almost always suicidal.

Essentially, it was a rogue-like in the truest sense, and IMO, D1 SP is still the best experience out of the entire series.
Couldn't say it better. I'm a crazy retrogamer who is playing Diablo SP on PS1 (yup, you read it right). I've played D2 a little and D3 a respectable amount and one of the few things i haven't never beared was the map reset feature. I hate it. I've grown with a easy and linear method of playing games: explore all, kill all, loot all, rinse and repeat on the next map. i've tryed the "new" D1 on D3 and dropped for that exact reason. The real beauty of D1 was the full rolling of the dungeon at new game. You had 1 Dungeon to clean, floor by floor, spitting blood at every corner, saving and loading at every boss and when you cleaned a floor you could really feel satisfied. I can't understand the "cheese" factor of Save/Load feature, instead i think the map reset is real cheesing: if you don't like a floor, just exit until you find something you like, warpad or not.

After all this, i'd really like the save/load feature on this MOD... :D
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Post by almagnus1 »

Necroing this one to see if a proper D1 style single player mode has been added to this mod.

I saw a lot of good stuff when I played it, dropped it cause I don't want the D2 experience in D1, as I prefer D1 solo as it was.
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Post by Wendigo »

The problem is a straight port of D1 with a graphics upgrade only would get the creator sued; you need a fair bit of new stuff to make a mod it's own independent work. There's a persistent rumor that Blizzard is working on a re-release of D1 and D2 for sale someday but, uh, I wouldn't hold my breath for that.

You might try Diablo: The Hell, though, I hear it's an excellent mod that retains a more unbroken original experience.
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Post by SkyrosX2 »

This thread is stupid.
The MOD is absolutely awesome as it is, and it is praised by 99% of the people who play it.
Saying stupid things like "to see if a proper D1 style single player mode has been added to this mod." just show how little you know about creating a mod in the first place, it is utterly disrespectful to the people who invested hundreds of hours of work in their free time just the make the game FREE for you.

My suggestion is you either go play the original Diablo or just build yourself your own mod. I mean, look at the replies here in this thread. Only one, ONE single person agreed with you; all the other barely took you seriously.
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Ok I totally had to make a forum account to reply to this because I read something that irked me. It was mentioned the save feature was altered because the creator is afraid of being sued. Which is fine if that is in fact the case, but I do feel that is abit on the over paranoid side though. We need to keep it real folks. There have been several mods and total conversions of this game over the years with out the save feature being altered so I HIGHLY doubt anyone is going to give 2 poops about suing over the bloody the save feature mates. I'm just saying. Lmao!!!! :D

On a side note I did watch some Youtube videos on the mod and he did a very excellent job on it. I do feel I have to say that. For me though personally after having read how the single player is and the fact multiplayer was taken out that personally made me skip this mod all together being totally honest about it.

I did go and try to check out the Awake mod, but aside from two download links all the other links on the web site are no longer valid links for that mod. Hopefully that's only a temporary thing.

As far as the save game feature goes I mean bottom line if you want the vanilla experience with only afew minor changes then this really isn't the mod for that. Atleast not in it's current state. My suggestion would be to have the ability to play it both ways. That way everyone wins.

I also if it were me I wouldn't be sweating and worrying about being sued for making a mod. Especially over an abandonware game. It's when you charge for the mod is when you may have problems. Modders make custom patches all the time. Vampire: Bloodlines which is NOT abandonware mind you and is still being sold on Steam to this very day is a prime example out of many games just to name one. So on that note I would and do suggest everyone relax and not stress so much about that aspect of it.

Over all I don't think this a topic people should argue over. Both sides have valid points. For some of you that like it how it is awesome and glad you guys enjoy it. I can respect that. All I'd ever ask for myself personally is respect my preference on it and I'd imagine the same goes for the other side of the house that feels the same as I do and prefer the original way it was done as well.

Most importantly you all have fun playing, because either way the wind blows the creator is going to make the mod I would assume in the accordance for his vision of Diablo 1. So either play it or don't play it. Up to you. Best of luck and take care everyone. ;)

P.S. Now he has the TWO agreeing with him mates. Lmao!!!! :P
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Post by Wendigo »

I... apologize, apparently my comment wasn't as clear as I thought it was. No one component 'breaks' the mod opens it up to being sued by Blizzard; frankly it's completely arbitrary considering how much attention they choose to give this one particular site. Also let's keep in mind this mod was from quite a few years ago when litigation was a lot more common on mods, before the companies realized that it was pretty pointless, akin to cutting off one head to have two replace it. Hail Hydra.

I also really, really fucking love this mod.
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Post by aedaigle »

I know this is an old thread but to anyone new coming, don't believe the - non-existing - negative problems that are posted above. These people are complaining about things that are either 1) gameplay mechanics that existed in the original game, and 2) wanting games mechanics made for little 16 year old kids that grew up with their hands held by video games. These are extremely well put together mods.

almagnus1: if your computer "forces" you to do anything, maybe you should stick to vanilla games, because if you dont know how to stop automatic windows update, you shouldnt be modifying anything
also, you need to learn the meaning of rouge-like because it does no apply to any of the diablos. diablo 1 was extremely easy, and there was very-little to no chance of dying.

RyuuzakiL5: if you are able to defeat the boss of a level, you should have no trouble clearing out every enemy before it, with ANY class and without using ANY potions a few in minutes.

New users: Please don't let the noob almagnus1 stop you from playing. The poblems he complains about -don't exist- and it would suck if you let something like that influence you from not playing this outstanding mod.
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Post by brunowa »

This mod is good, but it's a different game.

I agree with the OP. Personally I would LOVE a straight install of the original Diablo 1 playable on Windows 10.

Overall, this mod is great, but there are a couple teething issues already mentioned in the thread (saving, waypoints, and difficulty is FUCKED in some instances... like "The Smith" when it's your first character).

I loved being able to speed through the whole game and kill Diablo in a few hours. With this mod it's taken me a heck of a lot longer which I personally do not like... but that's personal preference.

EDIT: Yeah difficult is way too much though... I mean I've been on level 16 for multiple hours (level 27) and getting slaughtered by the first main boss in Diablo's realm... what makes it worse is that they regain all their life if you die. To me it's a bit much... very repetitive and frustrating.
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Post by Wendigo »

Well, I still don't understand your desire to play the easier game with fewer options, but they did finish Freeablo now if that's your desire. You'll still need the assets from the disc and I've heard it can be a pain to set up, but it is exactly a copy of the original game with updated playability for new machines. A quick Google search should drag it and all the other information you might need right up.
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Post by Ugily »

The Freeablo site doesn't have any updates.

Any info?
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Post by Wendigo »

It does, they're just called 'commits' for some reason. If you're on
the important parts are all in that "933 commits to master" link at the top of the page. I don't think you need to do any more than just download it from the appropriate link and follow the cryptic-ass directions to get it to run for the latest working version. Not sure where the discussion is, it's certainly not on their forum lol, but my friend is telling me it works.
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Post by Ugily »

I am hopeful that Freeablo will be the working replacement for BelzeTechbog.
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Post by Wendigo »

I am a bit saddened that I dumped all my points into Python instead of C++ so I'm having a hard time keeping up with the discussion. I wouldn't have been planning to compete with Belzebub though, I've always had this idea for a Diablo-like in a Wild West gunslinger setting instead and since with Freeablo you have to import all the assets anyway it would have been perfect. Maybe next year I'll sit down with some YouTube videos and give it a shot.
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Post by d1f »

I know I'm resurrecting old post, but I found it silly, that people doesn't knows what snapshot memory dump is. Basicly, if you are running game on Virtual Machine, you can click X to close window and you will be asked if you would like to shut down emulated PC or save state. If you choose to save memory state ... well ... guess what will happen
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