Bugs and suggestions

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Bugs and suggestions

Post by Wingard »

I dont know if the old thread was closed because it was outdated (for previous patch) (as if thread couldnt just get renamed...) or was it becuase suggestions from players are not welcome by developers (who knows, we didnt get an answer) but people will keep having new ideas so looks like we need a new thread for them.

- http://s1.postimg.org/rev1dzbf3/bugs.jpg :)

- items dont get tooltiped when we move cursor over them while they are placed in the bottom corner of the screen

- dont display videos when the game is being launched
seriosuly, who cares, we all know its blizzard who did this game and the option to show videos is included in the main menu anyway. skipping through these pixelated .smk files is just annoying and we have to do it every time we want to play.

- make the default music volume to be set at 50%. currently when starting a new character it is by default set on 100% which is way too loud, im pretty sure we all have it being set a bit lower. its not a big change but still convinient if we create new heroes :]

- make the spell's charges be visible on the game's interface
One of my best ideas i'd say. I know that using one handed weapon and a shield is more efficient in most cases but every beginning Sorceror uses staves, at the very least his Short staff of charged bolt he is starting the game with. We can currently see number of charges left on the staff by moving our mouse over the spell's icon or the item's icon after opening the inventory. But why, sometimes its a matter of life and death (for our hero) and in combat we may not have enough time to move the mouse so much. Look here:
Because why not?
We could also apply that change to Scrolls.

Theoretically we could also have it for normal spells and the number would be "how many times will you be able to cast this spell having current amout of mana" which would be neat when we are running low and dont want to waste mana potions, but im not so convinced about this particular case. Staves and scrolls on the other hand - a must be. :)

- About the "Creature of fire by Horazon"
Incinerator has very unique movement animation, he jumps around in the form of a ball of lava like some will-o-wisp or a pixie. It looks like he is meant to be free and jump long distances yet we fight him in a very closed area where him moving around looks very weird. How about this: reading the book would open a cell with not him himself but with the teleport to the closed area he is locked in, and we would fight him there. He would have the space to jump around as i guess he should. Its a bit unfair since that the second Sanctuary's guardian (grey lizardman from "The Pit" location) gets to have alot of space while having NO movement animation (he uses invisibility) and is a MELEE monster. They could swap their places i guess.
Incinerator could get a running animation. It is currently in use for the Elemental spell. But this solution i personally like less.

- reading abook in The chamber of bone ("Arcane knowlegde possesed"!) casts a Guardian spell. Its prety useless since every monster is already dead then, but anyway! What if reading the book in sancuary (that teaches us Golem spell) would spawn a Golem for us? It even gives the same message, so that would make sense.

- make an optional option to turn on darkness in Tristram :3 (like it is in dungeons). Area where we fight Andariel and her minions looks very cool, it made me think that Tristram could use few torches/street lanterns and climatic darkness i guess.

- Is Trymaine the Priest necessary all the time?
Wherever he is mentioned on diablo themed sites there is always stated the fact that he was supposed to appear in Tristram later in the game. And that would match now, as he has very little lines and can not really be talked to outside of Shadowfang/Fleshdoom quest. I dont know, just his presence of an "empty" NPC makes me feel weird. Or if not, can he be at least moved to that small house nearby the Tristram's Waypoint? That would make a lot more sense for a priest to live in a humble cottage in front of the Cathedral.
Last edited by Wingard on 15 Apr, 2014 20:44, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by hellnecrotom »

I was asked to post this already-posted message here to the Bugs and Suggestions section. So here it goes, copy-pasted:

Hello everyone.
First of all, thank you very much for this awesome mod. For a Diablo geek like myself (playing Diablo since it came out), it is bliss to see such unfathomable work realized here. It has truly made the game a lot more user-friendly. There are some EXTREMELY IMPORTANT aspects (bugs and suggestions) that I would like to share here - otherwise I would not have bothered to write, but I believe that the community here is strong and will take these into consideration. After playing this mod A LOT, I have noticed certain things that either brake the progress or affect certain situations. I shall note every bug/glitch/weirdness here hoping that they will be balanced:

1. Elemental traps such as lightning bolts, fireballs, blood stars miss the player completely or, as far as I've seen, hit you very rarely. The traps that work correctly are: arrow traps, fire-traps.

2. Spell damage is extremely out of balance: Frozen orb, nova and meteor cluster for example are very weak compared to the location where you receive them and compared to their ungodly mana cost. By the time you get there, and by God, that is difficult if you are playing with certain characters, then you have probably made it using Lightning/Firewall/Lightning Wall. The damage of those spells scale correctly while the others are blatantly weak and their manacost is too high. A balancing here is very needed, otherwise the casters and semi-casters fail to use anything more than the aforementioned powerful spells to carve their way through the hordes of the unrelenting forces of Hell.

3. There is no Poison resistance. Yes, this would probably mean nothing as long as you want to raise difficulty, but as soon as you hit mobs with poison enchantments, they can burn 500 HP down in seconds (1-2 tops). I suggest lowering the DPS or creating poison resistance, otherwise low-HP characters die off in an instant (since poison enchantment means that whenever you hit the mob, it shoots a bolt of poison onto you creating a mire under you, doing an insurmountable DPS). It is not difficult, it is game-breaking sometimes.

4. Sounds fail to play. Sometimes when you hit mobs or create spells, all you can hear is yourself - no hitting sound, no OUCH! sound from the mobs. The game goes silent, while the music plays and your character reacts. This was no problem in original Diablo, so it is not a sound card issue.

5. Gamble viability. Gambling really has no point in this game, unless you dupe to the extremes, to always copy back your savegames after a try that resulted in no good item. The problem is that after spending MILLIONS, you get nothing good, while in Diablo 2, where gambling was prominent, you could get rares/sets/uniques a LOT more often. This needs to be perked a bit if we want people to actually consider using it legitly (cause sure, everyone uses it in their own slicky way :D).

6. Visible waypoints on the minimap would be awesome.

7. If multiplayer is added, please make sure you remove the friendly fire.

8. If possible, add the possibility to change controls.


Cheers for this awesome mod :>
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Re: Bugs and suggestions

Post by Constance »

Wingard wrote:- make the default music volume to be set at 50%. currently when starting a new character it is by default set on 100% which is way too loud, im pretty sure we all have it being set a bit lower. its not a big change but still convinient if we create new heroes :]
Actually it seems all sound options are directly related to each character, which doesn't make much sense to me — I usually play with the music at home, but without when at work, and keep my character saves synchronised.
It should probably be a global setting for either the whole game folder or perhaps linked to the user's profile on the operating system.
In fact, I believe it should be better if both the character saves and settings were saved within the user's profile, so that if several people share the same computer but have different accounts, each only has access to his own saves and keeps his own settings.
hellnecrotom wrote:8. If possible, add the possibility to change controls.
OMG how I second that so much.
BTW the weapon switching key and zoom key keep exchanging their roles as I have an AZERTY keyboard, and I hate that zoom so much...
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Post by Wingard »

New thingies!

- This tree's graphic is bugged:

- this spot near the enterance to the cave is weird as well
We can stand inside it. If our Golem stands on this spot he is invisible to us. If we stand there we cant see him.

- non-magic staves sometimes dont have a name of the spell in their name
sometimes they do, sometimes they dont. i understand that name of the magic or rare staff could be different, but normal (non magical) staves should always have them. or, by they way, how about a different font color for the spell's name in the staff tooltip? for it to be recognised easier please :)

- pressing S to show spellboook can mess up tooltips:
also, this:

- make screenshots be saved in .png format (.jpg could work too but it recudes quality of the picture D: ). png file takes much less disk space.
8. If possible, add the possibility to change controls.
Good idea, too many times already ive minimized my game by accidentally pressing ALT and TAB at the same time :/

I also have a random idea that i dont know where to put:

"getting hit" animation would depend not from our max health but our max MANA. this would allow heroes with high mana pool to avoid getting stunlocked.

This could get into the sorceror's Mana shield skill, or as a temporary buff/debuff (depends of the class) after using Dark pact spell, or into 'Improved mana shield' spell being a new spell of level 6. (if there is no such thing at the moment (i doubt that there is), i still dont know two lvl VI spells and the mod's site wont tell me sh*t since everything is "under construction" there. And there is not even a "Spells" tab anyway)
I dont know i just hate being stunlocked, and sometimes this just happens when we are getting charged on (hard to dodge) or teleported to (one of the Diablo's guards, the black knight one).
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Post by radicool »


- Some sounds do not play correctly sometimes. 2 examples are when you die you sometimes cannot hear that "AHHH!" sound. This normally happens if too many units are attacking you when you die (too many sounds playing at once). Another is in Lazerath's chamber. Within Lazerath's chamber, He begins talking once you first hear him speak and all the enemies wait for him to finish before attacking you. Well I picked up the Map of the Stars which made my Sorceror say something. This cancelled Lazerath's speech, which was kind of strange seeing as the enemies were still standing there waiting for him to stop talking. I understand many games use sound channels to limit how many sounds can play at once to reduce load on the processor. If this is the case in Diablo 1, perhaps you can increase the number of channels? (18 years after the release date of D1, we have better computers to allow the game to add more graphically or processor hungry features.) Additionally, sounds maybe need to have a priority level. The Lezerath speech and my death sound should be high up in the list so they are not interupted by other sounds. I suppose this could be a bit of work, but I just wanted to let you know.


- I have a key on my keyboard to reduce or increase sound. As well as brightness, etc. I use my "FN" key (Stands for function I think) and hit a certain F key. (F1, F2, F3, or F4, etc.) Trouble is, the game doesn't recongise I have pressed the FN key before pressing the F keys and therefore acts as if the FN wasn't pressed causing all hotkeys to respond. Basically, my spell books spams open and shut, inventory is opened and closed rapidly, etc depending upon which F key I press. Pressing the FN key should halt any hotkey actions from the game. Unless there's something is wrong with my laptop? Anyone else get this problem?


- Books could be stamped with something saying like "already max level" once you have already leveled it to 15. Just a small convienience thing. Save you looking through your spellbook to see if it's maxed out or not before buying a book. Or maybe you have a stash full of books that you need to sort out and knowing which ones are maxed could save some time. I beleive they should be stamped (not coloured red) as to distinquish between which ones you can't use due to magic or vitality requirements and which ones you can't use due to already having it maxed out. Not an important point, but still would be cool.

Image Image

- I like how the lighting around the character is much smoother. The lighting doesn't fade in noticable pixellated blocks. This is something you've improved greatly over the original Diablo 1. However, using some spells such as the Lightning spell, the lighting still fades in blocks. Also, the walls within the catacombs have a notiable block lighting effect. Another picky point, but would make a nice difference in my opinion if improved.


The next image shows the block lighting in walls within the Catacombs. This is also evident in the Cathedral.



I love these markers you put in for the golem in patch 1.04. Great idea! (Sorry I know you don't want us to play 1.04, but I was curious)


Post by BrightLord »

There is big problem with lightning. Wall elements are cut in way that makes it impossible to look smooth.
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Post by radicool »

There is big problem with lightning. Wall elements are cut in way that makes it impossible to look smooth.
That's a shame. Really hoping something could be done about those walls. Maybe you could remove the blue looking colour that fills the walls and replace it with a stone looking texture that matches the wall. This could be unaffected by lighting. Not sure if removing lighting inside walls would look strange. Could trial it I suppose.

On a side note, units, objects and spells which emit light are still using block lighting (The torch at the bottom left of screenshot also has block lighting. Forgot to circle).


Sorry, I'm sure your busy. Besides I'm sure there are more important things to work on. I'm just trying to provide feedback to help your mod. Hope I don't sound demanding or directive. We all appreciate your work :) thanks again for the mod.

Post by BrightLord »

Light system is not very good. But it's there already. If same things will get constantly reworked there won't be time for implementing new.
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Post by Wingard »

Heyy its me again, alongside with a lot of weird suggestions! :) Mostly spells-oriented this time.

Minor bugs:
- there is also a bush with incorrect graphic settings:
I think player should not be allowed to step on top of these.

- we can teleport to this little scrap of terrain near the Anvil of Fury's peninsula:
Im not sure if its intentional or not.

- casting Immolation plays lightning-like sound effect

- Sentinel is a spell of frost energy but it has lightning-ish casting animation

Suggestions for spells:
- Town portal is a quite useful spell, it's cost at lvl 15 is mere 5 mana points. Telekinesis is very situational and rarely used, yet it's lvl 15 cost is 13 mana. am i missing something here?

- what if Warp spell worked on Waypoints and/or Town portals ? that would severely increase its usefulness! (but if it was to work on Town portal then let Unsummon skill work on it to unsommon the portal.)

- let mass destruction spells (nova, immolation, apocalypse) be cast from the Left mouse button
please please! for quick level clearing currently the only spell avaliable from LMB would be Chain lightning, or Flame wave. we can even cast a Blizzard or a Meteor cluster from LMB, so why not the rest?

- what say you to meteor cluster's icon being rotated to make it looks as if the missiles were actually falling from the above? picture for comprasion: http://s27.postimg.org/g33r9ltsf/image.jpg

- casting Healing making us un-frozen? 75% cold resistance does nothing, being hit with one frostbolt of winged skeleton or a mage results in being chilled for 10 seconds D: or at least arriving to town could un-freeze us, we are safe there anyway.

- is it doable to make a spell have no casting time (or greately reduced)? if it is, then it would be a nice oppurtinity to make Phashing viable. that would be an espace from a stunlock (yeah i know, i get repetative, but i cant help how much i hate that state). Flash could use that change too as its close to being useless at the moment. Or how about making it knockback enemies hit?

- first lvl damaging spell's could be buffed at higher levels.
casting 15 lvl Firebolt still has no point while having a ~5lvl lvl Fireball. its similar with Frost shard and Ice blast. what if their mana costs got reduced a bit and damage increased a bit? they could become a viable non-Area of effect damaging spells.

Other suggestions:
- on hell levels Mages casting Charged bolt deal A LOT more damage than the ones using Lightning bolt
(i had 75% lightning resist while fighting both)
Cabalists and Magistrates, i dont remember which one were which. But i met charged bolting ones at lvl 14 and they were a real pain, but then on lvl 15 there were lightning bolting ones who were dealing very little damage compared to charged bolting ones. Happened on nightmare difficulty.
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Black Death

Post by Nomic »

Not sure if exactly a "bug" but unique "Black Death" type zombies with Arcane Enchanted are able to proc their debuff on the Flash attack when you strike them.

Since Flash hits many times per second it is then possible to stack up 15+ stacks of Black Death with only a few swings of your weapon. This makes fighting them in melee basically impossible since you will have 1 maximum hp within a few swings of your weapon.

I am not sure if this happens with lightning/poison enchanted affixes, but the one I ran into on dungeon level 6 on hell difficulty had arcane enchanted and I noticed this effect happening even though I had the zombie in a hit-recovery lock I was still getting enormous stacks of Black Death almost instantly and dying.
(I had to put on a bow and cheese him to death)

This also brings me to my next point, which has already been mentioned in other threads, but the "knockback" from the bow actually pulls the monster forward into the next square instead of pushing it back into the square it was coming from.
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Post by riesa »

About 'knockback' in range situations... In D1 was always one thing - when monster was moving from one suare to another, hit was always knocking him back to previous square. Sometime ago (can't remember if this was in particular patch or it is still present) i was using chain lightning on one tough mob. After few shots he was near me even when i started to cast CL when he was at the edge of screen... This should be fix for any ranged situation...

Post by BrightLord »

This hit recovery is easy to change but I'm not sure how it should be done.
Always knocking back seems too OP.
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Post by riesa »

Always putting a target into hit recovery stance were knocking target into previous square. If damage wouldn't be enough to put into hit recovery then mob/player was stil going forward. It's not such OP as you think because you still need to have such damage to put guy into hit recovery stance...
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Post by radicool »

This hit recovery is easy to change but I'm not sure how it should be done.
Always knocking back seems too OP.
I have an idea. Not 100% sure if you talking about OUR knockback being OP or the monsters. Anyway, you could make it so you can only be knocked back once every 3 seconds or something. There is your x% chance of knockback, however the effect cannot occur more than once every x second(s).

This mechanic could also be used for stunlock. Only able to flinch once per 1 second or something. Maybe once per 0.75 second. I'll let you figure out the balance. Some monsters or bosses have extreme attack speed (like the butcher in nightmare). As soon as he hits you, your stunlocked. Not sure if warriors or barbarians get stunlocked, but my sorceror is history once I get hit once.

Edit: Btw I have found a minor bug.

Within the menus, my game displays the red stars incorrectly. I have a laptop with a Nvidia card with Optimus (I can choose to run it with integrated graphics or discreet). The problem only occurs when I run the game with my Integrated graphics card. When I run it with my Discreet graphics card, it displays normally.

Discreeet Graphics:


Integrated Graphics:

Last edited by radicool on 18 Apr, 2014 1:29, edited 2 times in total.
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Hit Recovery

Post by Nomic »

Don't confuse the "knockback" from hit recovery with the actual knockback affix.

In the original Diablo game, if a monster was attempting to move into a square (but had not yet completed the move) and it was hit by the player hard enough to enter a hit recovery, then the monster would be pushed back into the square it was attemping to move from. This was only really noticeable if a monster was, say, halfway into the next square when it was hit.

This same effect happens to players currently where if we are trying to run away and are put into hit recovery we seem to be pulled back into the monsters.
The effect also works as it should for melee attacks...if a monster is attempting to move into a square (run away) and you hit it hard enough to put into hit recovery, then it will be "pulled" back into the square it was attempting to retreat from.

Currently, the effect is working for ranged attacks except it is "pulling" the monsters instead of pushing. So you can more or less pull monsters to yourself like a tractor beam (or a pudge hook if you're a DotA fan) but only if they were already facing you and attempting to walk towards you (so it wont work on succubus...)

With the actual knockback affix the attack will push a monster back beyond the original square it was standing in so you can force monsters back indefinitely.

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