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Development Questions

Posted: 15 Mar, 2014 0:56
I know the development of mod content has stopped, but do you/whoever is involved in development have any plans on balance changes? I thought the last patch changed a lot of things for the good. I thought it would be cool if sometime you could take suggestions from the community and edit some values of monsters, spells, characters or weapons.

For instance, i played a barbarian for about a month and reached level 35. About half of this time was spent trying to kill nm diablo and farming for drops. I feel that all of my items were actually luckier than the average player would have for the level (170fhr, max res, 500 or so dps) but could not kill him in the end.

In contrast to this i spent just a week playing a sorcerer and ended up at level 37 in the caves of hell mode.

I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, but it would be nice to sort of balance out every other character in order to make them feel just as weak/powerful as the next. Because as much as i love playing the barb it just feels pointless when i need to spend 10x as much time to progress in the game.

This could just be my opinion though. If you have any plans of making balance changes i will be happy to give some more input, and i am sure a lot of other people would be as well. Thanks for this awesome game!