On version 6.3a

Discussion/Suggestions regarding the Awake Mod
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On version 6.3a

Post by Mordor »

I was playing Rogue in SP mode. Created new character.

The beginning felt too heavy compared to previous version. Seems like many monsters' life and damage were boosted, tohit also. However, stun threshold feels the same. As my problems vanished after getting a bow with increased damage. Becoming able to stun monsters felt like a relief.

I clearly remember coming across an invincible skeleton archer pack on DLVL 3. As far as I know, there is no specific defence against ranged damage.

If the beginning (mostly Cathedral) stays like that it will repel a good third of players, if not half.

With stunning monsters the game began feeling easier. But after finding Arkaines valor the difficulty became too easy :)

I'll spill more wisdom later when I get to caves and hell :)

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Post by Noktis »

Seems like many monsters' life and damage were boosted, tohit also
I changed only HP, Now HP in SP is equal HP in MP mode
If the beginning (mostly Cathedral) stays like that it will repel a good third of players, if not half.
I played warrior and came to 10 clvl no dead (in multiplayer). So i thing 1-4 lvl is no hard 8)

Generally mod is designed for multplayer mode. It seems I must chnge quest item stats in single player :P

You know, many mods for Diablo have no Single player or SP on own risk :wink:

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Post by Mordor »

"What is original text?"
Arcane knowledge gained

I didn't try warrior in MP. Maybe it's better then...
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