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Newbie question: difference between Belzebub and Tchernobog

Posted: 03 Jun, 2019 17:51
by KevinYama5
I've seen some places saying tchernobog is the multiplayer equivalent of Belzebub, but is it really?

Can anyone pinpoint to me if Tchernobog is actually an "expansion" of Belzebub that allows multiplayer, or is it in an earlier stage, has less features, but provides multiplayer?

Oh yeah, also, are there any shortcuts to move potions from inventory to the belt? :D

Thank you!

Posted: 03 Jun, 2019 19:12
by Ugily
Both are branches of Diablo 1 HD MOD.

Belzebub is a mostly working single player version with quests enabled. There are still issues with minor bugs, game balance, missing spells, and of course multi-player is not working. This was phase one.

Tchernobog is phase two. Initial development geared around functional multiplayer. Now in the second wave of development, bug fixes, game balance, character balance, item work, and stability fixes are progressing. At some point, quests will be enabled, but how it will be implemented is unknown. Stability and bug fixes are highest priority. Game balance work is ongoing it seems.

Quests are the big question. Really, they are only important on Normal as part of the story line. Have to integrate MP into quests somehow.

Posted: 03 Jun, 2019 19:41
by KevinYama5
Thank you, Ugily. That clarifies why I wasn't able to finish the first quest with the poisoned water.

I would still appreciate any other additional information regarding the differences between both Belzebub and Tchernobog, if there's any other worthy to be shared

Posted: 03 Jun, 2019 22:21
by Ugily
I haven't gamed much on Tchernobog, almost Belzebub only.

Belzebub has no more development. Unless there is a minor bug fix, all development has moved to the Tchernobog side for multiplayer. At some point when all is well with the world, there will only be Diablo 1 HD MOD final combining the single player work of Belzebub and the multiplayer capability of Tchernobog.

Minor things outside of bug fixes and game balance.

* Barbarian has Whirlwind skill
* There is a shrine that summons a Unique enemy to the dungeon level

* not sure what else, anyone care to add in here?

Posted: 04 Jun, 2019 21:09
by Wendigo
There's more game-breaking bugs in Belzebub, but more inconvenient ones in Tchernobog. :?

Re: Newbie question: difference between Belzebub and Tchernobog

Posted: 27 Oct, 2023 3:46
by evelynpurkey
Thank you, Ugily. That explains why, with the tainted water, I was unable to finish the first assignment. geometry dash lite