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DIABLO 1 without mission. Can fix it?

Posted: 27 May, 2018 2:52
by Grorion
I installed Diablo 1 and the game does not mark or show any mission. The NPC that delivers the quest has the exclamation on the head but after delivering the exclamation leaves, his dialogue changes and the mission does not appear in the log (Q).
Someone can help me ? :cry:

Instalei o Diablo 1 e o jogo não marca, nem mostra missão alguma. O NPC que entrega a quest possui a exclamação na cabeça mas após entregar a exclamação sai, o dialogo dele muda e a missão não aparece no log (Q).
Alguém pode me ajudar ? :cry:

Posted: 27 May, 2018 9:34
by Noktis
It seems that you play Tchernobog mod, not Diablo. There is no quests contained in Tchernobog.