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Good place to farm a bow?

Posted: 22 Nov, 2017 23:44
by Applecrack
Rogue is the class I cant seem to advance because I cant find a good bow. I've been farming nightmare caves and the passage as well as the soulstone chamber. I get a couple decent rare bows every now and then but nothing thats a leaping improvement. I know Qlvls of items in the area match with what I need but am I just unlucky? Currently level 37.

Posted: 23 Nov, 2017 15:58
by tanis83
I totally understand your feelings. I was in the same situation and the only thing I could think of was to start off with a mage character, go as far as you can in terms of levels & difficulties and use that character for farming. With this approach I found the full 'Vidala's Rig' set which made a real difference until around level 5-6 of Hell difficulty. There you'll need stronger stuff once again.

Posted: 23 Nov, 2017 18:58
by Hassadar
Farming with mage for Rouge items is very effective. U should find bow of the dead pretty easily and if u r mage can farm hell catacombs u can farm for heartseeker.

Posted: 24 Nov, 2017 9:48
by LethalLag
Either find a recipe and create a bow with as much +attackspeed and damage/crit/elemental/dex etc. as you can on either a Hunter bow or (preferably) a Razor bow.

That should get you to at least the end of Nightmare, which you should be able to get Bow of the Dead.

I've heard Heartseeker is great, but I have yet to see one. My Rogue (level 48 ) is currently using Bow of the Dead and farming Torment Hell (Lazarus and Level 16) fairly comfortably. I can clear Torment Terror Domain, but it's rather slow in comparison.

Otherwise, creating a Sorcerer and getting to Torment TH chests would certainly help out.

Posted: 30 Nov, 2017 9:12
by Applecrack
Managed to advanced to hell difficulty.
Found a demon machine when I killed diablo (About as lucky as I could get I guess.
Its nice cause I can pair it with a shield and it helps with survival.
I found a bloodlords visor in hell catacombs and these two have literally helped me peel everything.
Guess I just needed to suck it up and advance difficulties

Posted: 17 Dec, 2017 19:47
by goodgrief
I agree with LethalLag. I have the same story: now my scout is 51 level and I have found Bow of Death few times. But I never found Heartseeker.

Posted: 18 Dec, 2017 10:54
by Hassadar
I was really lucky and found one in catacombs hell difficulty. Farm there up to end of caves, that should at least increase your chances a little bit.

Posted: 18 Dec, 2017 23:30
by jcvmarques
I managed to get through hell with bow of the dead. In Torment you can farm the Lost Treasure for Hearthseeker. From my experience, items up to level 58 drop from Torment LT.

I was lucky to find a Hearthseeker with a very good roll.

Good luck

Posted: 06 Feb, 2018 4:23
by NegPulse
I would echo what Tanis said earlier in the post and it was the exact strategy I used for my rogue. I felt kinda stuck in nightmare so I rolled a mage, breezed through normal and nightmare and just teleported through most of hell until I reached lost treasure. I farmed lost treasure until I got Bow of the Dead. My rogue used that to make it all the way to lost treasure on Torment. Some parts were tough but I didnt struggle too much. Then I farmed lost treasure Torment and after a long time finally got Heartseeker, which is honestly a game changer in terms of dmg output compared to Bow of the Dead.

Posted: 06 Feb, 2018 6:01
by Ugily
Don't forget that Bow of the Dead can be upgraded through crafting


Posted: 06 Feb, 2018 10:09
by Miacis
except that you're more likely to find a heartseeker before upgrade unique item recipe...
in tchernobog for example I have 3 or 4 heartseekers already and still haven't found almost half of recipes

Posted: 07 Feb, 2018 11:14
by tanis83
I agree with Miacis: finding HS is more likely before finding high-end recipes. I also have the feeling that certain character types have better chances in finding items for certain other characters. For example, with my LV51 necromancer (with MF ~200%) in Torment, I have not been able to find HS, Stoneskin or the Skull Collector yet. On the other hand I've found almost everything for the Barbarian class and some really good stuff for Warrior (up to qlvl 74). On the other hand, my LV41 Rogue found the Skull Collector and other good staves.