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Diablo Belzebub Guide

Posted: 14 Nov, 2017 23:06
by Valour549
Are there any well-written guide OR documentation for this game? A lot of the stuff in-game is simply just not explained.

Really need some reliable documentation. If it was just a graphics overhaul then sure that's fine; but given how many new things are added/changed, it's unfathomable that the Dev who made this mod has not written one.

1) What does Str do for my Rogue character? Are certain types of gears class-bound?

2) If I'm just shooting arrows into a wall does that use up the Durability on my bow? Or does Dura only go down when hitting something like a barrel or an enemy?

3) From a quick glance some NPC buys item at a higher price than others? Some also sell back the items with the same cost, but others sell back for much more? Why?

4) +% Enhanced armor. Does this add the % bonus to only the armor class value on that piece of armor?

Posted: 20 Nov, 2017 11:05
by chrix
1. I don't know what STATs do for every character type, either. That would be an useful thing to know.

I don't think there is any gear that is class-bound: every piece of stuff has only minimun ATTRIBUTES requirements and every character type with enough points in the requested attributes can use that gear,

What I noticed is that every gear type is more or less efficient with some class: for example Bows are terribly slooooow weapons, except for Rogue and Assassin (in their hands they become machine guns ) .. Axes are very fast weapons only when used by the Barbarian, and so on.

So choosing the appropriate weapon depending on what charater type you're playing is a must. I love it!

2) I didn't know the answer to this question until 5 minutes ago.. but it's easy to find empirically: loaded my Assassin, shot a lot of arrows against walls.. and the Durability got down. So.. the answer is YES, shooting uses up durability even if you shoot at nothing.

3) I think there are no differences in prices between vendors in Diablo: you can sell weapons and armors only to the Blacksmith, staffs only to Adria the Witch, rings, amulet and magic stuff to both of them - but at the same price.

Maybe you're confused by Gheed ? He is a Diablo II char, he was not present in the original Diablo game, it's Belzebub only.

He has lower buying prices than the blacksmith and the witch for the stuff you sell, so I sell everything to the original NPCs.

Posted: 20 Nov, 2017 16:29
by Miso_Niz
<Diablo 1 HD Belzebub Documentation V3.0 (UPDATED, 21.01)> ... t1211.html

<Enchanted affix list on few craft> ... t1452.html

Posted: 21 Nov, 2017 12:30
by LethalLag
What is "ITD Bow"? I'm assuming it's a certain combination of stats on a crafted bow?

Posted: 21 Nov, 2017 15:53
by Hassadar
IT'D = ignores target defense

Dunno if u can have that on crafted bows, but it's on heartseeker, eaglehorn and bow of the dead