My feedback

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My feedback

Post by Coal48 »

Hello there, I hope the person or people making this mod would get to take a look at this, I made a list of questions, suggestions and requests, in no particular order. I want to empathize that these are just suggestions, no need to become angry if you dislike them and I am very aware that this is still beta. To avoid repeating to words like "Needs, need to or should have" implementation is implied


1. Why incorporate Gheed?

2. Why incorporate belt items?

3. Why is the "box" in the center of the UI still present?

4. Will the monk class make a return?

5. Will there be another class added based off the monk? (if it does make a return)

6. Why can't I cheat in single player?


Control and UI:

1. Customizable keys

2. Notification when a new skill is unlocked

3. Display what skills classes have (in main menu and before unlocking them)

4. An option for allowing holding left mouse to simulate rapid clicking in combat (to not have to reclick between enemies, items etc.)

5. Automap displaying npcs

6. Automap displaying waypoints

7. Background being much darker when automap is open (to see it more clearly)

8. Item highlight also highlighting chests, corpses etc.

9. Values on zoom and gamma amounts

10. Auto inventory sorting

11. Auto gold pickup

12. "New game" renamed "Main menu"

13. "Trade stash" renamed "Shared stash"

14. A warning of losing map progression when leaving game

15. Being able to click out of merchant's window before trading

16. A key for using health potions, mana potions, rejuvenation potions etc. instead of using individual slots (Ex. if you only want to use health potions, you have only 1 key to press)

17. An option to display monster resists in values

18. A preview of materials received when crafting

19. Description of gems and crafting materials (to know how to use them or their purpose)

20. Skill hotkeys directly cast (instead of swapping skills and still requiring to be used with the mouse)

21. Item comparing

22. Display attack per seconds (instead of "fast, normal, slow")

23. A description of what stat points do

24. Loot filter options


Quality of life/personal:

1. NPC's not moving

2. Increased move speed in dungeons (melee suffers greatly because of slow move speed against kiting ranged monsters)

3. Updated Cain's interface ("identify all" option?)

4. Merchants buyout prices being the same

5. Merchants accepting any items for sale

6. Merchant speeches being in a tab in their trade window (to remove that selection window prior to trading)

7. Merchant items that can be normally available being always sold and not chosen at random (Ex. spell books)

8. Gold not being an item anymore

9. Gold in stash and in inventory being added when buying from vendors

10. An option to re-randomize items sold at npc's

11. Cain auto healing health and mana when talking to him

12. Always display monsters immunities (not having to kill a certain amount of monsters before it being visible)

13. Both intro cinematics being removed



1. Better description for skills and spells (Ex. Insanity is very vague, sacrifice how much life? What are the effects gained? What exactly is the "exhaustion"?) ("Heal other" cannot heal you, the description is wrong"

2. Cleave not being limited to 3 targets and having a visual effect

3. Warrior having another skill than cleave (zeal perhaps?)
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Post by DacianDraco »

I can't speak for the devs but i'll tell you what i personally think of what they done and why.

1. So you can gamble a specific item type, for crafting or just to get a good rare weapon for your class let's say. Instead of depending on Wirt's randomness.

2. You need to carry many more potions if you want to survive, in hell and torment Diablo for ex i have all 25 belt slots and 40 slots of personal inventory full with potions. There is no more save option to play it safe and load endlessly and if you leave the labyrinth level you are on monsters regain all HP, so you can't restock, you just need belts.

3. From my understanding the UI will be customizable at some point, so it is prone to change. Right now the box is just a legacy and has no purpose, but maybe someday in Multiplayer that't where the chat will be or the UI will be completely changed and the box gone. Who knows?

4&5. No plans yet for Hellfire integration, yet. All that was added was hardcoded, it wasn't just some edits on txt files, it took a lot of work and ultimately it's the devs time and preference that dictates what gets to be in the mod. I hope to see some Hellfire content refurbished and done right, but for now i hope to get just Multiplayer working, it will enhance the experience much more than Hellfire.

6. Cheating is discouraged, and rightfully so since it ruins the game experience in my opinion. And the game is pretty simple once you take your time to understand how it works and i assure you that you can overcome everything if you put a bit of thought into it. I can help you with legit ways of solving any problems if you need it.

Control and UI:

1. Planned. And i hope we'll get to have 12 hotkeys for skill, 8 is not enough.
2. Skills unlock every 8 levels, it's easy to remember.
3. I guess they can be greyed out or something, but it's not really necessary.
4. You can hold the mouse button and shift (stand still) and move pointer around.
5. Not really needed, and the NPCs move so it would be harder to do live.
6. With waypoints it would be nice to have them on map, and also townportals.
7. I see no problem, in fact i'd like to be faded because i play with it always on.
8. Not really good, on higher difficulties you floor will be already filled with drops, you won't notice them anyway.
9. The scrolling option is fine.
10. Impossible. The game can't know how you want it, and you can't make it universally useful for all players.
11. Would be nice, but i just stand still and use Telekinesis on everything i want to pickup.
12. Makes sense, and i'd also like Restart in town to not be close to it.
13. Agree.
14. It would just be annoying.
15. I don't understand. Click what? If you click away it does away and closes the window.
16. 1-5 keys is fine, they're the most common.
17. They are only immune, which is 100%. If you have some "-% Target (element) resistance" affix on your gear than it ignores a % and you can damage them with that element. It's like Pierce, but monsters still have 100% resistance.
18. I believe you wanted to say salvaging, and it's totally random.
19. I am making a list in the docs with recipes, so you can check that out and see which uses what. But it's incomplete now.
20. Skill swapping makes you a pro player. Train! jk
21. I do this with swapping (w) weapons and looking at character screen. For armor i hold it over the armor slot and click it rapidly so i pickup/equip it and i can compare it so.
22. There is Attack Time, but don't know how it translates in seconds. Lower is better anyway. In the next release of docs i will include it for all weapons and all characters, because it differs on which character equips it.
23. This will also be in the docs, according to each character. But i believe there is a difference between hardpoints and softpoints, haven't completely figured it out yet.
24. I assume you mean by quality type, yeah would be nice but i don't think it's possible.

Quality of life/personal:

1. I would like Griswold to not go all the way to Pepin, just walk to Cain and Ogden's tavern and i'd be happy.
2. Yeah i'd like for Faster Walk affix to spawn on belts for ex. Until then Sorcerer/Necromancer/Rogue always teleport, Warrior has Charge, Barbarian/Assassin increase speed with Frenzy/Fanaticism.
3. It is in Tchernbog (the alpha release of Multiplayer).
4. No, they would run out of business this way.
5. You have nothing of value to sell, salvage all magic and above items you don't need, and don't pick up stuff you don't use. Gold is overabundant. And also you can sell anything by throwing it into Gheed's Gamble window.
6. I'd like Gheed to just put up the Gamble window when i click him, meaning remove his trade and going through menu thing.
7. Again spellbook are overabundant, i never bought anyone, and i have tens in storage and i just don't pick them up (except Apocalypse & Blizzard, because these are the rarest)
8. Would like that as well.
9. You mean if you don't have gold on you to take from stash. Yeah it would be nice.
10. Gheed's gamble is perfect for that. Again i never purchase anything, i just go to Gheed and get what i want.
11. I was hoping Tremain would be given a Rejuvenate option, so he'd have more purpose.
12. It's 15 for Immunities and another 15 for Hit Points, is a low number and it makes sense for the player not to know monster stats before he deals with monsters.
13. Not removed, just not to play on game startup, i'd still like them to be accessible via menu.

1. I am still figuring out how to properly do this in docs, but it requires a lot of testing, and i want to play more test less. But i'll do it eventually.
2. It's fine. You can't cleave all around but see next point.
3. I believe the barbarian gets another skill in Tchernbog instead of Cleave, i forget what's it called. Wirlwind? He he he.
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Post by Coal48 »

I have all 25 belt slots
They are only immune
I believe you wanted to say salvaging, and it's totally random
I did not know these things, thanks for telling me
Skills unlock every 8 levels, it's easy to remember
Yes but a new player wouldn't know that (I didn't and once I realized I unlocked a lvl 8 skill, I was already 14)
I see no problem, in fact i'd like to be faded because i play with it always on
I have a hard time reading the map in a bright environment, for example, in the "sunless sea" I can't read it at all. Of course, I think it should be added as an option, to not hinder players who would not want it
I don't understand. Click what? If you click away it does away and closes the window
I'd like Gheed to just put up the Gamble window when i click him, meaning remove his trade and going through menu thing
I'm referring the "menu thing" that npcs have, I'd like as well to go straight to trading
Not removed, just not to play on game startup, i'd still like them to be accessible via menu.
Right, that's what I meant
14. It would just be annoying.
you're right, once you know you lose map progression, you don't need to be told again
No, they would run out of business this way.
lol :)

I appreciate you responding to my thread DacianDraco, have a nice day
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Post by Tirpitz721 »

Some of these ideas are pretty good.

Customization keys - I would love to have a Path of Exile UI layout. Skills 1-5, and pots QWERT. I would also love to have key binding option. I hate using shift to stand in place.

I really hope they don't incorporate the Hellfire stuff. That had about as much in common with D1 as D3. The classes are fine, but the tile sets and monsters.... no
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Post by zidders »

Just because someone feels cheating ruins their own single player game experiences doesn't mean it ruins everyone's. How would allowing cheating hurt those whose experiences it ruins, anyways? All they have to do is choose not to cheat.

Unless you're saying the mere knowledge that other people might be cheating in their own single player games might have a negative effect on some people. That's pretty silly.
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Post by DacianDraco »

Cheating does not enhance the game experience in any way, it just creates a false impression for the cheater, it robs the cheater of the joy of legitimately finding anything useful as he progresses and a cheater will not prevail over hard/tricky challenges by bettering himself and understanding how to beat the game, which is why we have several difficulty levels in the first place. And what really is silly is to think of cheating compared to what others do, it's was never a matter of choice, you have to play the game as it is meant to be played, otherwise the devs would have made a button that beats the game and gives you everything, the characters would not require leveling and you would not be given a choice in how to improve their attributes, items would not be diverse and have requirements, there would be no point in having different affixes on items, you could just use one fist throw to KO anything, etc.

And i'm sorry, thou i feel it's useless to explain this to you from a morality point of view but i'll do it anyway, it's clear you have no regards for ethics since for you cheating is "ok" overall, probably in order to justify your unfair action, either offline or online. Ever since competition came into being, score was kept and rules were made to determine the victor, which gains a sense of pride for their accomplishment, ultimately this is why they train and strive to win. No one regards a cheater as a winner, no matter what the game is. And if you think of bring up the "fun" argument, realize that sadists have fun torturing, rapists have fun sexually abusing, murderers have fun killing, etc. but this does not make their actions "ok", i hope you understand something and i don't have to explain morality furthermore.

More so if you feel to turn this around and tell me how cheating is better for you and it doesn't hurt anyone, realize that i don't care what you do, just don't come and try to make it the norm around here. I value different strategies to defeat an obstacle, guides for characters, unusual item choices, etc and this is what betters the community and sparks my interest, not cheating. And if you take it personally, i apologize, i don't know you and have nothing personal against you or what you do, "you" was used just because you were the interlocutor on this delicate matter and i assure you i would have spoken in the same manner with the dearest person in my life. If you feel hurt and want to come at me by all means do so, this is the internet and anything goes, i don't hold grudges anyway and this is really insignificant.
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