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Magic Find Questions

Posted: 22 Jan, 2015 14:53
by GravityLens
First off this is my first post on this site so I would like to thank the mod creator/creators for such an amazing mod. I check everyday for the release of the multiplayer version (Tchernobog).

Now for my question,

1) Is there any specific monsters that drop magic find gear the way the butcher drops the "butchers cleaver"?

2) I've heard there is some sort of magic find bonus when fighting higher level monsters. Is this true? If so, is it worth farming at higher levels even if it is slower?

2) Where are your favorite places to farm for uniques?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: 22 Jan, 2015 15:03
by sergio_cannabis
For me torment level 1-4 on $player 10 worked really well mf wise.

Posted: 22 Jan, 2015 22:26
by GravityLens
Thanks for the response! I'm not to torment yet. I've got about 90 magic find and I'm in Nightmare. Any advice for low level magic find runs?

How much does that $player 10 help magic find?

Posted: 22 Jan, 2015 23:39
by riesa
$player 10 helps with mf only with killing monsters. You have bigger chance to find better quality equipment so %MF on your char boost it even more. It doesn't affect chests.

For nightmare runs i recommend two options. First one - if you can clear dlvl13+ then do it. It's best option then. If not, and you're playing magic character (sorc or necro) then you can do Last Treasure chest runs. Fast teleport to chests at the end of worms level, open it, take insteresting loot, identify it and that's it. It's the easiest way to make gold and some item base for level progression. It takes ~2minutes for run + identifying, takes 1-2mana/life pots (sorc or necro) and you can make on nightmare ~50k gold. You don't need AC, DPS, res with this option but you get worse drops than doing dlvl13+ runs.

Afterall i agree with sergio. Best drops are on dlvl1-4 torment. Even on $player 0.

Posted: 23 Jan, 2015 0:41
by GravityLens
Hey thanks a bunch riesa! I'm a sorc. I'll try the treasure chest method.

Is there any good use for gold besides potions and repairs? Is gambling worthwhile?

Thanks again

Posted: 23 Jan, 2015 9:57
by riesa
Yes, you can get some nice stuff from gambling. But you need a lot of gold and a lot of time if you're seeking for one particular item type ie high level jewelery or specific exceptional item. It can be frustrating but if you're patient and wealthy you can after some time get few items that will actually help your char.

Posted: 23 Jan, 2015 13:39
by CaptainCosmotic
Do anybody know, at which moment the loot is calculated. Is it when you enter the dungeon or when you kill monster/open a chest?

Posted: 23 Jan, 2015 17:11
by riesa
As always in all Diablo games. Drop is calculated when mob die. If you want details about it search in google for Jarulf's Guide.

Posted: 23 Jan, 2015 17:15
by Rota
There is no place that drops more or less items. Best drops are from Champion monsters. Most of items u can find on Hell but the best only on Torment. The more Monster Power the more items are dropped (but not better) There is a kind of bug which can drop for you hundreds of rare/unique/set items but I can only show you the screen from game...

Posted: 25 Jan, 2015 16:34
by riesa
The more Monster Power the more items are dropped (but not better)
Bullshit, dude. In easy (but really perfect) words when you raise MP then you have more chance to drop an item and better chance to drop better than white item. Let's say that on MP0 (all numbers will be thoeretical) you have 60% chance to drop an item. If game generates an item then you have 75% chance to drop an equipable item. Then you have 50% to drop white one, 25% for blue, 15% to drop yellow one, 5% each for uniqe and set. When you raise MP then you have 80% to drop, still same 75% to be an equipable item but then you have 10 % to be white, 40% to be blue, 30% to be yellow and 10% each for uniques and sets. So as you see it raises chances to drop better equipment but you still need to roll unique or set which have less chances despite of MF in your gear or MP sets in game.

Posted: 31 Jan, 2015 14:36
by ROLpogo
There is a kind of bug which can drop for you hundreds of rare/unique/set items but I can only show you the screen from game...
Meant it? ...

Posted: 23 Apr, 2015 10:29
by oldbootz
bwahahaha that is a funny bug

Posted: 23 Apr, 2015 22:01
by Rota
Here is how it rly works :) sorry for vid quality

Posted: 24 Apr, 2015 6:59
by Wojtek25
You changed MF or Drop amount for monster :P?

Posted: 02 May, 2015 11:47
by Barbie
So I've been running with my mage a lot now, he's way stronger than my barb in most areas, only one I'm having trouble with is Diablo still.. But it will be fine soon.

Trying some MF runs, but I don't notice much difference with my sorc when I do the treasure map quickly.

For example, I've ran the treasure map 10 times with my barb, and he gets 1 or 2 set pieces per run from the chests. Sometimes nothing, but it's usually always something, set or unique.

The sorc has done about 20 now but he only got one (Suicide Branch...) unique.

Their MF is around the same amount. Do they both have different types of luck and does $player 10 also influence the quality of chest drops?