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how to run in full screen instead of window?

Posted: 18 Jan, 2015 5:03
by syn
i did a bunch of googling and searching through the forums but couldnt find any solutions. I am currently in 1920x1080 desktop res but when i swap around the in game resolutions nothing seems to work quite right. what are the best solutions for this? or are there any? thanks.

Posted: 19 Jan, 2015 10:48
by noname

Posted: 19 Jan, 2015 11:06
by Noktis
@noname, He talking about Belzebub project.

Posted: 19 Jan, 2015 12:02
by noname
I've read the post again and still don't realise how you understood that... :)

Posted: 19 Jan, 2015 12:11
by Noktis
Belzebub default run in Windowed mode, but you can switch to full screen in video options.
I've read the post again and still don't realise how you understood that...
I think, that he asked - "how to swich diplay mode".

Posted: 19 Jan, 2015 12:31
by noname
Original diablo runs in window on modern pc as well by default.
But nvm, looks like you are totaly right.