sooooo happy that i found this but (error)

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sooooo happy that i found this but (error)

Post by GoblinCow »

so I can download it, run it as administrator, walk around, kill things, level up, autosave.... But in that it only partially saves. Meaning, my level, items, gold etc are saved, but not my progress in the game. I thought it was odd that the game asks me to choose a difficulty level every time I select my character in game to start. Looking around, I can't find a solution here, am I missing something ? Some fatal childish error on my part ?
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Post by ROLpogo »

Try to create a folder: Data\player_save
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Post by GoblinCow »

the folder is already there :-( i have a physical copy of the game in my cd drive, does this only work with a virtually mounted copy ? it's the only thing i can think of
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Post by infravision »

have you ever played diablo 2? or diablo 1 on bnet? this mod works the same way... your character/item data is saved, but the 'world' is not. Every time you play it re-generates all the dungeons and you start in town.

the purpose of this (i guess) is so that when the multiplayer mode is complete, character saves will be compatible with each other.
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Post by GoblinCow »

how are people even getting to diablo if your progress in the world is not saved? i don't understand - i don't mind restarting in town all the time after exit, but there's only so many times you can hear "the sanctity of this place has been fouled" before you tear your hair out
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Post by infravision »

use the waypoints

every two dungeon levels you'll find (eventually) a circle on the ground that looks like the one northwest of ogden's house. activate it by simply stepping on it and then your character will be able to translocate between any two instantly, in any game...

it can sometimes be hard to see (if the floor is a similar color, or it's behind a pillar or something). but it's always there; start a new game to regenerate the dungeon if you really can't find it. AFAIK it will be visible on the automap when the multiplayer version is released
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Post by GoblinCow »

just to be clear: so the only way to save progress in the game is by activating waypoints ? all monsters reappear after starting a new game ?
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Post by riesa »

All monsters reappear, all levels are generated once again. Same as in D2.
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Post by Ugily »

The only progression that is saved is the quests are completed. You can still go back and kill "The Butcher" again, but he won't drop the Butcher's Cleaver. You will still be able to clear the Poisoned Water Supply and kill King Leoric, but there will be no repeat of the rewards. Rerun these quests for the drops and leveling up. Go back and farm these regenerated levels to gain XP and farm items.

It seems like a lot of repitition from a single-player roleplaying/quest point of view but that isn't the whole purpose of the game. In multi-player and in single the dungeon maps and creatures are randomly generated. There will be some repeats of quest bosses and other individuals, but the game is designed to be a little different every time.

If you don't want to repeat dungeon levels and kill quest creatures, just use the Waypoints to bypass those levels and make your way to Hell.
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Post by GoblinCow »

thanks for clearing all that up :-) i understand now
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