Crafting recepies/tiers of recepies

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Crafting recepies/tiers of recepies

Post by kudlatytrue »

It's my first post, so hi all!
Anyway, I can't seem to track any information on crafting for Belzebub. Is there some wiki page or something, that Google is not showing me?

I have quite a few "class" recipies. Aside from the standard rogue, warrior, necromancer etc, at nightmare and hell difficulty I've started to get what seems to be the next tiers of the class ones. And while "thief" is a logical naming upgrade for rogue, the "Warlord" or "stalker" isn't. I know that they aren't "class locked" and I get that warlord is strength based one, but the point is, I don't want to do the guess work and I'd want to know what differences are between zealots and scouts recipies.
So for now, I got these:
Caller, champion, Disciple, enchanter, highlander, reaver, scout, stalker, thief, wizard, zealot. Aside from that, I gor a "blazing helm".
I know that these questions may be trivial, but I would not bust my balls about it if the recipies wasn't shared between characters. I don't want to use my "highlander" recepie on a warrior and then learn it's ment for a rogue.

Thanks for the help.
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Post by Ugily »

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Post by Ugily »

If anyone out there has a Upgrade Set Weapon and Upgrade Unique Armor scroll out there, it would be much appreciated.
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Re: Crafting recepies/tiers of recepies

Post by depepeh291 »

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