Barbarian or Warrior?

Diablo 1 HD, codename Belzebub - General forum.
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Barbarian or Warrior?

Post by Costilla »

Hi all,

I really enjoy to play melee characters, but is not really clear to me. I have a lvl 53 Brb, and I can clean lvl 16 in torment. Also, I'm playing a Warrior (< lvl) and I can use magic.

In my question I try to understand which one should I recommend to a new player, and why. Like pros and cons.

I know... the mage breaks the game and it's amazing, also higher melee levels with a good equipment.

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Re: Barbarian or Warrior?

Post by MichaelReinhardt »

Costilla wrote: 12 Feb, 2024 14:49 Hi all,

I really enjoy to play melee characters, but is not really clear to me. I have a lvl 53 Brb, and I can clean lvl 16 in torment.tunnel rush Also, I'm playing a Warrior (< lvl) and I can use magic.

In my question I try to understand which one should I recommend to a new player, and why. Like pros and cons.

I know... the mage breaks the game and it's amazing, also higher melee levels with a good equipment.

Hope to read more of your experiences in the future. I want to know more about Barbarian and Warrior.
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Re: Barbarian or Warrior?

Post by lauryfriese »

Costilla wrote: 12 Feb, 2024 14:49 Hi all,

I really enjoy to play melee characters, but is not really clear to me. I have a lvl 53 Brb, and I can clean lvl 16 in torment. Also, I'm playing a Warrior (< lvl) and I can use magic.

In my question I try to understand which one should I recommend to a new player, and why. Like pros and cons.

I know... the mage breaks the game and it's amazing, also higher melee levels with a good equipment. Candy Crush

That was amazing.
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Re: Barbarian or Warrior?

Post by litheelect »

Fighter has more attacks and on average does a little more damage and has some other options in combat thanks to battle master or eldritch knight drift hunters
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Re: Barbarian or Warrior?

Post by SamCoffee »

Costilla wrote: 12 Feb, 2024 14:49 Hi all,

I really enjoy to play melee characters, but is not really clear to me. I have a lvl 53 Brb, and I can clean lvl 16 in torment. Also, I'm playing a Warrior (< lvl) and I can use magic.

In my question I try to understand which one should I recommend to a new player, and why. Like pros and cons.

I know... the mage breaks the game and it's amazing, also higher melee levels with a good dolls cheap

Thanks for your contribution, it's enough for me as a new player.
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Joined: 24 Jul, 2024 16:23

Re: Barbarian or Warrior?

Post by ann24 »

Fajnie, że zastanawiasz się, którą klasę polecić nowemu graczowi. Sama miałam podobne dylematy, więc postaram się pomóc. :D

Z moich doświadczeń wynika, że obie klasy mają swoje mocne strony, ale także i wyzwania .

Barbarzyńca to świetny wybór dla graczy, którzy lubią dynamiczną, bezpośrednią walkę i nie boją się podejmować ryzyka. Dzięki swojej wysokiej odporności i umiejętnościom obronnym świetnie radzi sobie na bliskim dystansie, a odpowiednio rozwinięty, potrafi naprawdę zadziwić swoją siłą. Dodatkowo, wysokie poziomy broni i ekwipunku mogą uczynić go prawdziwą machiną do zabijania.

Wojownik z kolei, daje możliwość korzystania z magii, co otwiera dodatkowe możliwości strategiczne. Jest bardziej wszechstronny, a magia może uzupełniać jego zdolności w walce wręcz. To może być dobra opcja dla graczy, którzy lubią mieć różne strategie w zanadrzu i chcą eksperymentować z różnymi stylami gry. Jednak wymaga to więcej czasu na opanowanie i przemyślenie swojej strategii.
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