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Can't kill diablo 'friends' on normal

Posted: 29 Aug, 2014 12:28
by dewo
Hi there,
currently running with lev 30 rouge. I have no problems with killing lev 16, when i step to diablo level, and open the first chamber where you have to stand on 4 'rocks/crcles' the boss from there i can still kill him. But the next one... what am i doing wrong here:/ i tried already like 20-30 times to kill him, if he will get me, then im like frozen, can't even do a move, no teleport, no bow,no nothing. Any ideas what i might be doing wrong , or what can be wrong with the character ? I was thinking that faster recovery hit might be the thing here, but then again i have no items that add to this property... Do you also have the same experience with that diablo level ?

Posted: 29 Aug, 2014 15:29
by Martim
At the first time I also had some difficulty, but I believe that I was lucky because I found some good items. Besides farming for better items, I used golem to help me deafeat him... And acctually I use golem all the time with rogue... All item that give magic stat bonus is kept so that I can use them to read golem books and improve the spell. And another thing: I think that level 30 is way high level for normal difficulty.

Posted: 29 Aug, 2014 19:09
by dewo
i tried today 15 times.. still nothing. This Doom knight , hmm his name starts on B i suppose. When he catches me, there is no way i can escape him, and then when he starts attack, his attack speed increases as well with each attack. That's like IMPOSIBLE to defeat with rouge character... I have even increased hit recovery spead to ~140 % , and then i could at least escape his attacks, but still he catches me at the end...
i am near to say i give up ;(

Posted: 30 Aug, 2014 1:57
by Martim
I suppose that you are using the skills, right? And what about golem? Some may desagree, but for me golem was essencial to defeat almost all bosses. For doom knight you must keep your distance, if he hits you 3 times in a row it's impossible, or almost impossible at least, to scape the next blows. The golem spell might help keep him in a distance, and depending on your stats and your gear you must be pacient. How is this chacter of yours? could you show us?

Posted: 30 Aug, 2014 8:43
by NakedSnake
Golem is the way to go with rogue. It acts as a shield and you can spam your arrows meanwhile. I know you can't get golem as strong as sorcerers but still it helped me defeat all the bosses. In torment difficulty even better cause Golems Hp scales with difficulty.

And when your golem dies, you can tele to another place and summon it again. Timing is also very important when using Golem with rogue.

Posted: 31 Aug, 2014 0:04
by Gamma_Corvi
dewo, I recorded it for you, just look, it is not difficult.
I killed Diablo by Rogue with under 20 clvl before. The only difference was Vidala's Rig (set) instead of Iratha's Finery which I am wearing now.

Posted: 31 Aug, 2014 2:35
by Martim
Yes, I know... like I said, level 30 is too high to still be at normal difficulty.
Could you show your character to us, dewo?

Ps: At the video you used diablo's bug with A.I. which makes Him sooooo much easier.

Posted: 31 Aug, 2014 3:25
by Gamma_Corvi
In a normal game, I don't use Diablo's A.I bug because it kills for me the whole gameplay and the "final clash". In this film I presented this clue for one reason: to help devo wade through. Anyway Diablo dies regardless of whether you use a bug or not. I can add the movie, on which I will kill him in a "fair way" on MP10 and after amplification of his forces, it's not a problem, just one hour of waiting. :roll:

Posted: 31 Aug, 2014 5:04
by Martim
No need. I believe you! hehe! Just saying it's easier like this.

Posted: 31 Aug, 2014 9:56
by BrightLord
What is exactly this diablo AI bug?

Posted: 31 Aug, 2014 13:25
by riesa
I didn't want to post this for last few months but...
It's basicly look like this:


If you have terror domain level with those chambers in the corners you can lure Diablo near them, make teleport inside and he will stand in this position like there would be a non passable wall.

Afterall i've experienced another AI bug with necro (so Diablo AI is bugged quite in all dimensions not only 'chamberway'). I was fighting Diablo. Getting kicked, but he started to lose HP quite much. Few teleports while he was still in 'fighting stance' and after he went behind HIS chamber, right after this he resets. Still there was less than 1sec between damage that he's received but after passing his chamber wallline he resets. It was just once, but if this happened it can happen all the time.