Version b1.033 - bugs and suggestions

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Post by sergio_cannabis »

i think magistrates on torment should be nerfed a bit. i got 1400 mana and 75 all lightning res and still if i stand in front of one and got hit - instant death...
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Post by Wingard »

i think magistrates on torment should be nerfed a bit. i got 1400 mana and 75 all lightning res and still if i stand in front of one and got hit - instant death...
Try using a Mana shield next time. :D

Bugs i encountered:
- Golem will continue to attack destoryed lightning trap in Horazons sanctuary. As its already dead our Golem becomes bugged and useless.
- in The Pit (second of Horazons sanctuary levels) i could teleport into the center of the level and further without pulling levers. Shouldnt it be impossible?
- Gheed sometimes has no itmes to sell (normal trade, not gambling)
- Island of the sunless sea quest puzzle area can spawn on top of the lava pool and will cut it if it happens. screenshot:
- Griswold's anvil appears in town after bringing him the Magic rock instead of after we bring him the actual anvil from the Anvil of fury quest. Crafting isnt avaliable though so player cant exploit the bug but it still makes no sense for it to remain this way.
- Taverns owner will walk through our Town portal when going to see the cows. Not really a bug but it looks weird, how about a slightly different path for him? :)
- I ran onto the door on Catacombes that i could not pass through, both sides (i used Phashing to get to the other side, and had to town portal my way back to the previous part of the level). screenshot: (i know that a static image may not help much in this case but who knows) (btw i pressed the character message button accidentaly when looking for Print Screen but it fits suprisingly well considering the situation) :P
- during the Lost treasure quest in this strange place with mages and librares i managed to teleport to the center of the area without pulling the levers or stepping onto the pressure plates. i couldnt move however and i had to teleport myself back to the library. happened in the west one, dont know if it works from other ones.
- also about the Lost treasure quest: when i was doing this quest for the first time i could not finish it and there was no item increasing statistics. on the second try i was suprised ot see that more mages appear after i kill the first one! all of those that i killed in libraries were there at the same time, and this time the quest item was dropped and i successfully finished the quest. the ressurection of beaten mages did not occur during my first attempt at all, i guess that trigger which spawns them may be bugged.
- Map of the stars did not vanish from my inventory after i failed to kill diablo in time and then talked to Cain about it. Shouldnt it?
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Post by SynSasiada »

There is bug when you go into townportal playing cave locations game often crash.
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Post by Wingard »

couple of more bugs:

- the unique Goldskin light plate says it gives +20% to light radius but it fact it doesnt. it may be an issue with this specific item, all light radius items or the char window being not updated properly. ... 182116.jpg
- often damaging mega demon monster (Balrog, etc) makes him teleport a bit closer to us. its very easy to notice that while hitting him with Lightning bolt spell as it causes multiple ticks of damage
- in town Golem dissapears from the screen if it gets out of our line of sight (behind the buildings). Make him visible all the time, like with all the other NPCs! :)
- gambling is nice, you win some and you lose some. but sometimes you win more than you should. for my 30 lvl Mage gambling a Rags costs 1112 gold pieces and ~85% of the time game randomizes a Rags so valuable that its actually gold efficient when sold to Griswold. second place takes Cap (costing ~1500gp) and third goes to Cape (~1700gp). I suggest to make gamble items prices scale with character level, at least a bit.
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Post by riesa »

Wingard wrote:couple of more bugs:

- gambling is nice, you win some and you lose some. but sometimes you win more than you should. for my 30 lvl Mage gambling a Rags costs 1112 gold pieces and ~85% of the time game randomizes a Rags so valuable that its actually gold efficient when sold to Griswold. second place takes Cap (costing ~1500gp) and third goes to Cape (~1700gp). I suggest to make gamble items prices scale with character level, at least a bit.
Doing Lost Treasure chests runs are faster and more efficient. I tried your method. Took me 3minutes to fill backpack with rags and caps and i didn't make any profit but even didn't lose money. I'm making Lost Treasure runs on nightmare in 2 minutes (with identifying and salvaging) and i usually get ~20k gold just from gold drops. Items are going to anvil ;p

Beside of that... Bugs with Catacombs impassable door, problems with finishing Lost Treasure quest and anvil appearing after Magic Rock quest (i don't think it's a bug... Quite strange but nice anyway ;p) are know from the first open beta version (;

Post by BrightLord »

Need screenshot with minimap + seed numer from log to fix impassable doors.
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Post by radicool »

...+ seed number from log.
Whats a seed number and how do we get it for you? Is it the long number automatically given to the name of screenshots?
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Post by Constance »

OK, so we actually already can get the seed number of a game map from log.txt? Nice ^^

@radicool : basically it's sort of a map identifier, as it's the randomly generated number from which the labyrinth itself gets generated. So if you can provide that + a screenshot of where the problem is, the devs can generate the same map, to examine why the problem happens and try to fix it
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Post by radicool »

Ok thx constance
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Post by Paar »

BrightLord wrote:+ seed numer from log to fix impassable doors.
Good to know!
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Post by Wingard »

Doing Lost Treasure chests runs are faster and more efficient. I tried your method. Took me 3minutes to fill backpack with rags and caps and i didn't make any profit but even didn't lose money. I'm making Lost Treasure runs on nightmare in 2 minutes (with identifying and salvaging) and i usually get ~20k gold just from gold drops.
Yeah i know its not the most efficient of ways of earning money but remember that there is no risk involved. Think of the possibilities! You could have you little brother gambling ragses and sellling them to griswold while you are out for few hours. Go back and be happy with money, and kid would be happy you allowed him to play your character. :)

Anyway after reporting them few bugs time for suggestions of mine:

1. Elemental drain breaking enemy's immunity to Stone curse
I think it speaks for itself really. Is there even a reason why shouldnt we have this implemented? :)

2. Books of spell that we already have 15 lvl of should appear as not avaliable (red) for our character
Nice quality of life change, will save some time (and possibly money) when buying books from Adria

3. Stronger monsters such as Berseker, Fanatic, Champion and Posessed give the same amount of exp as normal mosnter of that type
I think they should give more, just like Minions do. And this is how it works Diablo 2!

4. Let Heal other work on Golem
Nuff said. I think its pretty genius idea, there will finally be a reason for Heal other to exist in Single player mode. We can always have healing reduced for our clay pal for balance issues if needs be.

5. Let "Repair all" option work only for items equipped, and not for the ones in our backpack as well
- Let durability of the item influence the price for selling the item
I think the first of these is better. In Diablo 2 initially durability DID influence items price, but it was patched. On the other hand in D2 Repair all option ALWAYS worked ONLY for equipped items.
I cant say how much money ive lost here in Belzebub for repairs thinking that my eq breaks quickly while i was in fact repairing items for sale ._.

6. Let Golem pick up gold piles when out of combat
Please PLEASE. Will save so much time. Its never a bad idea to pick up gold, we just ignore it sometimes when we are in a hurry. But if there is no monster nearby then why wouldnt our golem be actually useful? :) Especially in those special gold rooms on hell levels filled with money on the ground, there are always like 25 piles of them.

7. Scrolls and Elixirs wont go on the belt when picked up
This. Please. Im sick of getting them out of there every time. If someone wants them there he can always drag them there, but when picking up from the ground they should land in our backpack.

8. Picked up potions wont make them go to the belt if there are no potions of the same type there.
Im also sick of getting the Health potions out of the collumn for mana pots and vice versa. Diablo 2 reads the potion on the bottom of the belt and assigns its collumn to be that potion type collumn only.

9. an option to randomize new items in shop for money
If we are not pleased with what, say Adria, has on stock we can go to the talk menu, pay some gold (depends of the char lvl, just like with Wirt) to have her show us some other stuff. Will cost money but also save time if we are camping for some specific book for example and have so much money we dont care for spending 1 or 2 thousands.
Likewise but new items would have higher item level. I mean higher than are regular avaliable in said shop at the moment. It would be something like between Wirt's trade option and Griswold's second trade option from regular diablo where he, as we all know, had it separated for normal items and magic ones. Paying monies just to see better stuff (costing prices higher than usual, for teh balanc) seems fair, no? :)

Other ideas, less genius than these above but who knows, maybe someone will find some of them interesting:
10. Let new character start with a Town portal scroll

11. Using a Ressurect scroll on the Slain hero (the one from quest in caves level) would actually ressurect him, but as a enemy that we have to fight. Only then we would get an item from him. At the moment he gives an item dependant of our class so his type could depend of it as well. We can have him being normal but corrupted by evil (monster type looking like character class, like with Risen hero) or completely corrupted (Black knight for a Warrior, Mage for a Sorceror and a Succubus/Evil Rogue for a Rogue). That would create a reason for existance of the Ressurect spell in single player mode.

12. Golem breaking barrels when out of combat.

13. Shrines working on our Golem as well

14. Andariel spawns only after we turn off all of her red lights (kinda like demon appearing on Island of suneless sea with his Corrupted campfires)

15. Make the quest with worms in infested cellar end after we kill each one of them, not the boss only. I had my character saying "The town is now safe from these!" while there was still like 8 of them on the screen.

16. Hit points bars are practically invisible whem their background is the lava from the River of flame level (it has specific orange shade). For solution i suggest making a straight line being the border between the current and missing hp levels visible enough to allow player see it while not overlapping monster's name.

17. Remove the order riddles from the game or give a hint for them
Seriously, this is a hack&slash game, i doubt people have patience and enjoy having to spent 2 or 3 minutes figuring out the order for Island of Suneless sea opening or to the Izuals temple. In Diablo 2 we had stones opening portal to tristram but they were more forgiving (just click on the stones in any order and it will work) and we were given a map saying the proper order. I mean - there was so such puzzles in vanilla Diablo, (not counting Hellfire, its a slightly different case). There has to be a better way to solve these, right? ._.

18. Make resistances appear somewhere in the character menu without the 75% cap. The limit would still work but we could easily see of unequipping which item we can afford while retaining the 75% resist. At the moment there are two places in char menu that show resists and they dont differ from each other anyway. One of them could show the real, uncapped value.

19. NPCs in town react to the golem as if he was a player character, stopping when near him and turning their face toward him. Thats so funny! :) How about we make Golem turn toward them as well to look like they are conversating? :D

20. Allow for casting a Teleport spell in Tristram. Would save time when going to meet Adria and for Sorceror overall as they dont have such mana problems.

21. Mana shield returns on a scroll. For other classes than a sroceror. Or even better, ALL of the sorcerors skills make their way to a scroll.

Devs are probably tired of hearing "Create a cow level!!1!" so i came up with idea of something different :3.
Ideas for a not-cow secret level:

Secret worm level:
Make a secret level in infested cellar after the quest is finished and door to it is closed. The only way to get back there after Pepin closes the door would be to go back to the town portal opened inside. Then casting a new portal would make one leading to the secret Worm lair (green coloured portal!) using the Hellfire's worms level graphic. It would be like a Cow level everyone are asking for, but easier to make i guess. Will work only in the game where the quest was finished for the first time. And it would make sense for these worms to come out of somewhere in the first place, right? :) Hellfire graphic are still waiting to be used somewhere, but i know not everyone consider them fitting diablo style so having them doing a job of a secret level only would seem okay i guess.

Secret cathedral level:
Using Heal other on still-alive Wounded townsman would opena portal behind the Catherdal in Tristam leading to the level where we would have to put to the rest animated undead victims of Butcher. Or smth like this. I just liked idea of using heal other on that poor guy, i did that on one of my first games of Diablo 1 ever, out of pity for him. :oops: Secret would work only if The Butcher quest was not yet started, and possibly only in modes above Normal difficulty (as it requires Heal other spell).

Or, you know, a cow level :lol: . For example accesible only after poking all cows (would have to use Telekinesis for the ones behind the stream).

So, what do you think? :)
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Post by Jenny Wakeman »

It would be nice, if we had a item calculator, for uniques and set item, there is one for the OG one.
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Post by Constance »

Yet another bug: if the warrior has the item repair skill selected AND his private stash opened, he can't read a book (at least not one that sits in his inventory) by right clicking on it, but either "casts" his skill or says "I can't cast that, yet." and may even start walking away from the stash to where his cursor would point on the ground through the skill icon.
If the private stash is closed, he can read the book by right clicking it even when the item repair skill is selected.
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Post by Elle »

Thanks to Wingard's excellent list of suggestions, my list is going to be shorter.
Here are a couple of my by-far biggest ones, these have hounded me wherever I went.

1. When enough damage is dealt, the target becomes stunned for a moment. HOWEVER... When the player character is stunned in this manner while walking to another tile, he is ALWAYS knocked back to the previous tile. This means that if he is standing in the line of flying projectiles, he becomes unable to move out of the way as every projectile pulls him back into the previous tile again. Warriors become unable to move when under heavy fire, and they cannot either run away, nor approach the enemy to kill it. This also applies when melee enemies are attacking, like the knights down in hell. They attack you and take 80% of your health off, you quickly heal and try to run, but you are pulled back by this attack, so the knight can attack you again, RETURNING you to him instead of pushing you AWAY upon the hit. There were times where I would empty my belt of red potions, one potion per a knight attack, and I was unable to leave until I died. Lately in these cases I just lift the hands from the keyboard and let them kill me quickly.

2. This looks even WORSE because the OPPOSITE works for the enemies! Suppose you are a sorcerer or a rogue, and you are attacking enemies that are coming closer. If the enemy has started walking by even a pixel towards the next tile (towards you), then when you stun them, they will be INSTANTLY placed into the tile that they wanted to go to. So it can easily happen that as you keep attacking the melee enemy, you are helping him teleport to you even more quickly.

I would strongly suggest that this happens in the opposite way, if it can at all be done. If the player is already being attacked very much, he should be pushed a bit and perhaps get some hope of survival. If the enemy is being attacked very much, it should be stunlocked, instead of getting even closer... while the stun animation plays.

3. This has been said before, but the Advocate-type enemies teleport all the time, and they can teleport in, and can teleport away after only ONE FRAME of delay. There should be enough delay so that a warrior can reasonably approach the enemy and kill it. Also, the ranged enemies which walk away when you get close... They have about the same speed as the player, so a warrior could run after them almost forever, and never catch them. There are also skeleton archers who run away when you get close, but they walk slowly, so it is more possible to catch up with them; I like this, as it is more fair towards the melee characters.

4. The charging enemies are TOO FAST. The knights in Hell are the worst, because they can also kill an average character with a single charge. They can get from one end of the screen to another in one second (and you are in the middle of the screen, so they only need half to get to you). And you have even LESS time to react than half a second, because your character must also walk out of the dangerous tile. It is impossible for humans to react to this, just ask any car driver anywhere; all the driver's manuals also state that it takes at least one second to react to someone jumping onto the road from the side, plus the time it takes to actually hit the brakes, or turn. I suggest that the charge damage is either reduced a lot, tha the charging speed is reduced so that a human can reasonably react to 1-2 charging enemies, or that the charge is removed altogether because it is not making the game any more interesting, just more frustrating.

These are my biggest problems with the game the way it is now. I understand that the game should be more difficult, but this is not "more difficult", this is UNFAIR. Unfair, unfair, unfair. For example, when those knights charge... this is not difficult and this is not fun. This is the game basically pressing its "Kill Player Now" button. The original game was a little easier and forgiving, so these problems were harder to notice there, but not here. A difficult game is only fun if the player has some methods to overcome the challenge. Well in my opinion these problems are currently holding the game fairly comparable to an average Mario romhack.

Here are three more little things for now that are not neccessary, but would make me happy.

5. Currently you can see the exact health and mana when you hover your mouse over the orbs. Add a game config (in the G menu) that makes these numbers always show.

6. Remove the Mana Shield icon from atop the player's head, it gets in the way a little, and it's enough (and even more useful) that there is an icon with a timer in the upper-right for it.

7. The character sheet and the stashes remember their last opened page; please do the same for the Spellbook page as well, because whenever it is closed, it resets back to the first page.

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Post by blankname »

1 allow to disable 3D sound in the settings menu. It can be annoying when using headphone

2 change the right mouse button to decrease values on the settings menu. For example if town walk speed increase is 40%, clicking with the right mouse button becomes 20%

3 rename the unsumon spell into Cancel spell and allow it to also cancel effects from shrines (so u wont misclick the icons by mistake) and character skills

4 all projectiles should pass throught mobs when the projectile is evaded (not blocked)

5 arrows shoulndt be able to destroy barrels from distance (except maybe explosive barrels by fire arrows)

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