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tunngle will shut down.

Posted: 05 May, 2018 9:02
by jangnanggureogi
Long time no see.

recently, tunggle announced they will shut down because of the policy.
so it's impossible to connect tunggle.

is there anyone who know services like tunngle?
i only know hamachi but it's inconvenient.

Posted: 05 May, 2018 17:41
by Miacis
whoooa that is sad news, tunngle was by far the best VPN service for me

for all who still wants to play online I can recommend ZeroTier One (won't be posting links, google for it yourself guys), it's free and seems to be working well

other options are evolve and maybe gameranger? both were quite unpleasant experience for me. hamachi is probably better than those

Posted: 12 May, 2018 21:26
by Littlekurt39
Can someone who is active in this game make an official Hamachi server and post it please?

Posted: 13 May, 2018 1:04
by Miacis
you can make as much servers as you want; but Hamachi servers have limited capacity unless you pay and I don't think someone would do such a thing
just make multiplayer thread or create server in ZeroTier, it's free and don't have server capacity limitations

Posted: 25 May, 2018 23:12
by Littlekurt39
I think i have found a good alternative to tunngle, I will be making a thread very soon