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MF % for Nightmare Diablo

Posted: 04 Dec, 2017 20:23
by nein11
how much MF necessary for unique drops on nightmare diablo and outer minions ? currently using 115% MF atm . lvl 39 barb

Posted: 04 Dec, 2017 22:00
by Hassadar
There's no guarantee to get a unique drop. MF only gets your chances higher. In terms of how much u should use I'd say as much as possible but of course keep strong enough to farm safely. It won't do u good to have 300MF but keeping dying.

Posted: 06 Dec, 2017 5:29
by Applecrack
Actually it just makes more blues drop.
Im running about 60ish mf for nightmare runs?
Change the player# and add more dps.
I get more yellows/uniques if I kill faster so it makes me think they based it off diablo 2 tables since thats how it kinda worked
Little less mf and more melting = better drops

Posted: 06 Dec, 2017 22:09
by ferged
until recently i didn't use any MF at all and i decided to test it last week
with much more MF than 115% and after extensive farming my conclusions agree with Applecrack, i only saw a huge amount of blues whether it came from bosses or barrels but no obvious change in yellows or goldens drop rates

Posted: 07 Dec, 2017 4:08
by Applecrack
Pretty sure thats why diablo 3 died lel
They nerfed drop rates to get kids to buy from the ah
Play the ah and not the game #3

Posted: 07 Dec, 2017 4:22
by nein11
lol all along I had that feeling if you melted faster = better drops , even in diablo 2.. thanks for confirming that ..

Posted: 07 Dec, 2017 10:23
by Hassadar
Just because someone has the same feeling as you doesn't make it a confirmed fact....
Until someone has a reliable statistic about "melting faster=better drops" I don't believe it.
For MF on the other hand, just do this: 1000 LT runs each with 0% MF, 100% MF , 200% MF and 300% MF. Count yellows, greens and goldens for each and compare. I'm pretty sure u get more greens yellows and goldens with 200% MF than with 0%....