A few questions

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A few questions

Post by Lethmyr »

Hey guys,

I picked up this game recently and really enjoy it. I have some questions, though and would be glad if someone could answer them.

What exactly are the differences in the game mechanics between the original Diablo and this mod? There is no official information about this on the website. I'd like to know:

1) Do the classes have more differences to another other than their skills and base stats? I noticed that the Barbarian gains all resist, what about the assassin etc.?
2) How does armour/evasion work? (Physical resistance?)
3) What does each stat do for each class? (recommended setup?)
4) Does "+- Damage taken from enemies" apply before or after mitigation?
5) How do you break immunities and are there immunities that can't be broken?
6) How are the block mechanics?
7) Is gambling/wirt worth it?
8) Recommended places to farm early on?
9) What is the strength of all classes in relation to each other?
10) How does crit scale?
11) What are the different monster affixes such as "Behemoth", etc.?
12) What is the difference between Tchernobog and Belzebub?

A lot of questions but I'd be glad if someone could help me out. If there's anything else I should know, please say so.

Kind regards,

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Post by pocket951 »

1) different classes will have different base weapon speeds depending on there preferred weapons (i.e Rogues have higher attack speeds with bows than barbarians)
2) each type of armor will reduce a certain % of physical dmg. (for example heavy armor will have 75% resistance

pretty sure armor class just effects the enemies chance to hit you

3) The stats will do pretty much the same thing for every class, just in different amounts, and putting all your points in the Primary stat is always the best idea. never put any points into vit unless your a necro

Your skills damage will also be affected by your primary stat
4) I believe it appleis after mitifation
5) you need gear with - resistance on it (i.e -15% lightning res)
6) depends on the shied but the block cap is at 75%, can also go in to constant hit recovery if to many things are attacking
7) not really, maybe when you are max level otherwise no not really, its to rare to get sets or uniques to make it worth it
8)Depends what your farming for and what class you are on. River of flame works well for exp
9) hard to answer, dont have time atm
10) crit scales off of dexterity, crit dmg off of strength, my level 60 decked out rogue has nearly 100% crit chance
11) Behemoth makes them super spongy and super tanky, gives them high physical resist. countered by weapons with ITD on them (ignroes Target defence)
12) Tchernobog-Multiplayer and Belzebub-single player only
Posts: 5
Joined: 07 May, 2017 22:49

Post by Lethmyr »

Thanks a lot!
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