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Posted: 27 Jan, 2017 13:34
by Doubtful
So currently lvl 13 Barbarian and i just entered lvl 5 area.

At lvl 4 area i came accross this boss called Foul Kill and it was totally ridiculous how strong that boss is even compare to Leoric.
It has insane Attack Speed, Damage and even Life Steal (not sure about life steal). And the worst of all it blinks with insane speed.
I find this boss totally unbalanced, maybe he is fine for range heroes but its not fine for any meele (im talking of new players not ppl with shared items).
I killed Leoric in the first attempt, lower lvl and gear and i just couldnt kill this little shit.


I find this skill kind of bad and very situational. The debuff that lasts 12 second is something u simply dont want in a serious situation. So i have this suggestion on how to improve the skill.
Reduce the debuff duration to 6 seconds and reduce the cd to 6 seconds instead of 12 (mean the cd after the debuff is gone).