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A trade thread?

Posted: 21 Nov, 2016 9:08
by Darkaleb
Hi all, I don't know if i break any rules, or if this would be just a bad idea, I was thinking about a thread where all tchernobog players can post requests and offers for items to trade.
Example (this is my case):

Need tal rasha pieces - Offer Mivala belt / Viz jaq'taar (offhand)
Contact: through Internet IP

How about?

Posted: 21 Nov, 2016 15:05
by Kazvall
I don't have anything you need, but I do have a lot of stuff I've been collecting. If I see anyone here needs something I have, I'll post.

Posted: 21 Nov, 2016 15:24
by Ugily
In Tchernobog, trading among players should be encouraged. It creates an in game economy.

Posted: 22 Nov, 2016 0:53
by pride
Hi kaleb, this is my "private" server with my friend:D
U need hamachi
name of red: Diablito 1
password: 123
with my friend play diablo everyday xD join:D

Posted: 13 Jan, 2017 17:52
by Darkaleb
Thread up for a request: does someone have a lvl 50 amulet recipe like fanatics, harbinger or conqueror? I can give in exchange:

Harbinger ring
Volcanic shield
Guardians helm and weapon
Arch mage belt
Spellweaver ring
Glacial helm

If someone could help me please lemme know cause i'm in absolutely need of this!
Thanks in advance!

Posted: 13 Jan, 2017 22:14
by anokic
I'm a level 23 warrior stuck in level 1 cave
Anyone have any wepon this warrior is hard as hell? Il give gold or anything i have at my disposal :)

Posted: 15 Jan, 2017 0:09
by 500xhp
There is another way to get things. For example I can send you savefiles for all my heroes and if you just put them to the saves folder you will gain my heroes with all my items. This is a little bit cheat way but it works.

I understand how hard it is to play warrior, rogue and other skill-mana-dependent classes (all except mage and barbarian) after the 0.1.1 patch!

If you need I can upload saves. I have all green sets for heroes of 30- levels and best unique things for that levels.

Posted: 15 Jan, 2017 9:55
by Darkaleb
As i discover it's not a good idea sending copies of your char/gears around, cause this is (even) an online game, and if you meet online another char who have copies of your items, all of those will disappear as duplicates.
You can send recipes or crafting materials, or original items which you'll never use again (even recipes disappear but you can use them before, and knowledge remain).