Game edit "not enough mana"

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Game edit "not enough mana"

Post by Capdown »

Hi, first time posting, been playing for maybe 1-2 weeks, love it! love it even more as this is my first experience with D1, never played D2 either but i hear this is THE mod to play

So.. I'd like to find out if i can remove the rogue "not enough mana" voice.
I've had a very breif check and cannot see a way to change this without remving all game SFX

I can look myself but i'm not sure how to change a .mpq file, so any help is appreciated :)

Why? well i noticed sorc seem the way to go, but I've decided i have to be diferent and rogue was the option I'm now going for, and i would like to play using left mouse button for default attack and also multi shot for when i have mana. (i'm using leech)
the great part is that the default attack auto switches when out of mana :wink:

This is made even better by me now having a free slot of any spell i like on right click...
Well, i probably didnt need to explain, but anyway, as you can imagine i'm just hearing a spam of "not enough mana" so i'd like to find a way around this. any suggestions?
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Post by pocket951 »

carry around an inventory full of full mana potions at all times. Thats what I did untill I had sufficient mana leach. not sure what level you are but put ALL your stat points into dex, and get str and magic for gear through + all attribute points items or items with dex/str

I am level 56, on my way to 60 and I kind of regret putting 10+levels of stats into str/magic. to be fair though I do fine, but I think my farming could be alot more faster/efficient is I had built properly
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Post by Capdown »

Intresting, and nice to see a active community

so you DONT use life pots? I'm lvl 20 right now.. i can only imagine you are making a character to 'kill before being killed'
I guess as i level that is the "meta"?

How much mana leech do you have and how do you do against diablo or any single target boss.

My plan was to use only life pots and simply tank/health potand give bursts of damage when i have mana, this playstyle is whati am heading for and i'm determed to make it work
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Post by pocket951 »

I do use life pots.. when I went to town I would usually go 40/60 inventory split for life/mana pots

I would recommend buying full rejuv potions when ever you can.

I am level 56 with 6% mana leach and 8% life leach and I only ever use rejuv potions if i need to spam teleport or tank magic projectiles while being lazy.

I can sustain mana infinitely vs any single target boss. you can control your multishot spread by clicking at different distances from you any given direction so you can control if you have tight or lose spreads.

the most efficent way to mana leach is to use multishot with a tight spread pattern because each arrow hit will leach mana

the idea of kill before being killed is pretty much the rogue meta, my level 56 is pretty squishy and will die to most melee attacks in one hit, also any elemental damage I don't have full resistance to will 1 shot me.( I am playing on players 10 though so dmg is insane)

I only worry about magic resistance at the moment and if I get level 16 monsters that use lighting or cold I just make new games until lI fish for concubine/death knight/ azure drake/balrog monster combos because I am lazy like that.
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Post by Capdown »

thanks pocket :)

I'll probably come back to this post once i've spent more time playing.

only having to use 1 type of pot was why i wanted to play this way,
the same way sorc only needs mana pots...

it's intresting to me to theorycraft a game so basic, and a game that thousands obviously already have a answer to and have tried everything

I'll keep on grinding with only life pots, and to see if survival is something a rogue is capable of, but i figure in the end i'll have to submit myself to a kill or be killed/all out damage character - which is fine.... still learning is all :)

in the meantime, i would still like a way to not hear the "not enough mana" voice removed
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Post by Ugily »

I second the suggestion to turn off "Not enough mana".

May be a way to physically edit or remove the sound byte.
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Post by Capdown »

good old google
Used a MPQ editor from here

The rogues not enough mana is wav file #270 in diabdat.mpq

Deleted it and i can't see any issues, all other sounds work except not enough mana :o

EDIT: if anyone wants help removing sounds i can share my file, but i don't want to publicly as i don't know if there would be any 'technicalitys' behind that
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Post by nottud »

Works well for a different sound I wanted to remove thanks. :) (Wanted to remove "I cannot get there from here")
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