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Post by DacianDraco »

Your words:
"comes down to set items governing your performance in the Hell mode+"
"I'm pretty sure this is a gear issue yet again"
"this game is starting to sound like it is all balanced around the sets you wear"
All this after i gave various advice, and i'm not the only one, even told you twice that he's least gear dependent and very powerful as is, i gave numerous examples of spells to use, even the ones that do physical damage, how to handle hasted monsters, etc, and of course i didn't keep anything secret. Yet you keep exaggerating. I don't have to show you anything, you can well see that other make it happen in various ways without asking for help and bitching about 3 elemental immunes, so it doesn't come down to needing something or knowing something you don't already (or should have by now).

BTW, sergio said staffS (it's not the correct plural but you missed it), so have several and use the one with the element pierce that does damage depending on situation, there are 4 elemental spells + some spells with physical damage (which none are immune to, and holy bolt is also physical but only works on undead) so you always have at least an options. It's not like a uniq monster can not be defeated in one way. You can't penetrate Lightning Enchanted? Penetrate other element, even if all of the random 3 modifiers spawn as enchantments (fire/lightning/cold/arcane/poison) you still have at least one element that you can use or break, if the monster is innately immune to it.

And i think it's time for me to step back, because obviously i'm not helping thou i did my best. I hope to see you also post success stories, so good luck with with your endeavours!
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Post by EnkerZan »

Yeah yeah, keep dodging it like you have been.

Barb is up to 40 now.
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Post by DacianDraco »

What? What am i dodging?
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Post by EnkerZan »

I asked you to show me how you play the Sorc because I am not doing something right even though I supposedly have the adequate items to pull it off, and you keep giving me walls of text and saying no you don't have to.
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Post by DacianDraco »

Get your first character (any) over Hell and into Torment difficulty, then PM me your Sorcerer's save file and i'll show you i can beat Diablo and finish Hell with what he has. I gain nothing by doing this, so no i don't have to do it, wasting an hour or so just to convince random guy on forum is not how i want to spend what free time i have.

This is just to show i have beaten Hell and am in Torment with all characters, mainly Sorcerer, and i'm not "fishing" for someone else's characters.

If you want i also have the backup for him, back at cLVL 41 when i finished Hell, so i can show what gear he had, which is not that spectacular anyway. But it really doesn't matter with what i did it, it won't even matter after i do it with your character, you will still be in the same place, but whatever, challenge accepted.
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Post by Ugily »

Well, you know the game is supposed to be challenging at times. I have come across mobs while playing fairly strong characters that I have had to just teleport around and lead them to a place where I could trap them and teleport away. May be able to pick then off one at a time, but usually just forget about beating them and continue to clear the level.
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Post by daiy »

You seem to be ignoring half of our advice and just whining...I was trying to be polite and helpful but come on man. I'll second (or third?) the opinion that sorc is not very gear dependent at all. Yeah I've got Harridan's set but I acquired that just recently and was doing perfectly fine without it (I don't even use the full set all that often because i prefer my (yellow) -15% LightRes staff in a lot of situations). I'm gonna give you another wall of text because it takes a lot of text to describe this shit.

And it's not like I got insanely lucky getting my set; I just spent a few hours farming Lost Treasure on hell the other night. And a few hours farming it (and other spots) on Nightmare when I was at that point. You do realize you're gonna need to grind for gear and levels sometimes right? This is Diablo, after all..

Note- You're correct, like I said in my last post, that you CANNOT damage (element) Enchanted affixed monsters with (element) no matter what you do. Also, some regular immune mobs are more immune than others. For example, my -15% LightRes staff is enough to pierce the immunity of Necromancers, but not of Advocates or Blood Knights.

Here's what I did to beat 17f.
Meteor Cluster on Left Button.
Right Button hotkeys: F1 Guardian; F2 Chain Lightning; F3 Apocalypse; F4 Blizzard; F6 Golem; F7 Elemental Drain; F8 Teleport

For Advocates and Blood Knights, spam Meteor and Apocalypse (alternating between the 2 so you don't have to wait for their cooldowns). Yeah it takes a little while to kill them this way but suck it up you'll still have plenty of time to free and kill Diablo. As soon as any Death Knights come onto screen, spam Chain Lightning because they charge at you and have no immunities. For Necromancers I use my -enemy LightRes staff and spam ChainLightning. You could also use meteor/apoc or whatever, but honestly -xx% enemy LightRes isn't a very special or hard mod to find on a staff. Go farm for one if you need to.

It might be worth using Stoneskin to hold Advocates in place to take the hits from your Meteors. I'm not sure if it's worth the -75% damage or not.

Throughout all of this you should make sure your golem is up at all times to tank for you. I also switch to teleport a lot and jump around between castings to avoid taking damage.

When you free the first general. Put blizzard on LMB and Chain Lightning on RMB. Make sure you recast your Golem as soon as it dies and just spam those two spells on him. One Elemental Drain duration was enough for me to take down at least half of his hp like this. This fight can go a bit screwy with his Terrorfiend adds but just teleport as needed and CL those fuckers down. They aren't immune.

Second general is a bit trickier. I like to clear all his adds then bring him up to the now empty top left room.Have golem tanking him while you just spam chain lightning. This next part is important though-- DON'T watch his hp. Watch your golem's hp. As soon as your golem is about to die (and he dies fast in this fight) you need to be ready to teleport out of the way and recast golem, or else the general will charge or teleport to you, and probably one shot you. As long as you stay on top of watching your golem's hp though you should be able to kill him without taking any hits.

Bottom left guy I have no special tactics for, just lots of meteors and apocs to clear all the advocates and blood knights down there. Forget what spells I used on the general himself. But he doesn't have very much hp and doesn't do much damage AFAIK.

I hope this helps. If you do decide to go back to playing your sorc. I main a barb myself TBH but I left him at level 30 to get this sorc to the point of being able to farm Lost Treasure on Torment, for barb gear.

Consider farming some Lost Treasure on hell (with magicfind gear), and possibly some spellbooks if your SLVLs for any of the mentioned spells are lacking. Spellbooks actually drp pretty decently from the Lost Treasure chests. And you can also go down to 2f of the Lost Treasure cave to grab those 6 bookshelves. You don't need to kill the unique mages down there.

Btw the actual fight against Diablo is pretty tough. But not unfair. And pretty fun IMO. before fighting him I highly recommend dropping an inventory or 2 worth of Full Mana pots on the floor down there; you probably won't be able to kill him with just the pots you're able to carry.
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Post by EnkerZan »

You seem to be ignoring half of our advice and just whining...I was trying to be polite and helpful but come on man. I'll second (or third?) the opinion that sorc is not very gear dependent at all. Yeah I've got Harridan's set but I acquired that just recently and was doing perfectly fine without it (I don't even use the full set all that often because i prefer my (yellow) -15% LightRes staff in a lot of situations). I'm gonna give you another wall of text because it takes a lot of text to describe this shit.
Guys. I never said I was having issues with the standard mobs, it was the uniques that kept kicking my ass from having so many immunities. And no, I was not ignoring any of your advice, I did exactly what you guys were suggesting and it wasn't working. That is why I asked for a demo video on how you guys clear these mobs and show me what I am doing wrong by playing it your way.

Also, thank you for that wall of text, because that was far more informative. I will try this out again when I play my Sorc again, but if I still get my ass kicked and/or can't find the better upgrades I need such as staff/belt/armor/helm, then I will send my save file to DacianDraco so he can school me on a short video.
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Post by daiy »

Well the same strats for regular mobs can generally be applied to random unique mobs too. Just gotta work around any immunities the best way you can. I admit though sometimes you just get a spawn that isn't worth the time and frustration to kill, like a LE FE Behemoth Advocate. In that case you can either restart the game or stick it an empty corner of the floor and teleport away...and remember not to let the fight with Diablo wander that way lol.
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Post by EnkerZan »

Oh I fully expect to get my ass handed to me every time I fight Diablo, but it just seems so wrong that Uniques can spawn borderline unkillable because of certain combos of affixes.
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Post by EnkerZan »

Look what my Barbarian found on Lazarus today:


Gonna give this thing a spin when I finish getting some other characters progressed.
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Post by ROLpogo »

I, too, once lucky
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Post by EnkerZan »

Damn, -30% requires level 48? I need to grind some more so I can get that...
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Post by EnkerZan »

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to effectively use the Stealth Skill on the Assassin. I can use it before walking into a room of mobs no problem, but if I try to use it while at 5+ cells away in the middle of combat, they just walk towards where I was just at and they uncloak me right away. Am I to assume this just can't be used in mid combat, and is only for getting the first hit on something?
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Post by EnkerZan »

I am having trouble trying to figure out how to effectively use the Stealth Skill on the Assassin. I can use it before walking into a room of mobs no problem, but if I try to use it while at 5+ cells away in the middle of combat, they just walk towards where I was just at and they uncloak me right away. Am I to assume this just can't be used in mid combat, and is only for getting the first hit on something?
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