Thoughts on the Mod

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Thoughts on the Mod

Post by Slimmo »

Hello I just registered here to share my thoughts from playing the mod for awhile. The mod is really awesome even if its only in alpha state right now, as it has added and fixed a lot of things which I find great.

However there is a few things that annoys me and I would like to share them. (I'm playing as a warrior currently level 19)

1. A trap that might appear from a chest that causes fire to appear at your feet instantly kills you and you can't do anything to prevent this. So unless you have tons of health or fire protection or perhaps reactions of a god this damage needs to be lowered.

2. Every single time you press on an area where your character might not be able to go to at the moment causes him/her to say "I can't get there from here" which becomes annoying as hell after awhile aspecially when you try to kill monsters packed in a room.

3. The champion monsters that are called "Possessed" before their name is seriously way to powerfull, other champions with other prefixes and even party leaders are nothing to these. At least against warriors these are a nightmare as they do TONS of damage and quickly drain all your mana and to top it of they cause a frost nova when they die. Sure they do not have so much life so spells are effective if you manage to cast them before all your mana is drained. As you might understand I have died so many times to Possessed champion groups so please consider tuning them down.

4. This is a recently discovered bug or something but it appears that some monsters turn invisible sometimes in the cave levels. It has happened a few times with the magma dudes that I noticed being damaged but nothing was there, however they reappeared when I ran away and ran back.

Thats all for now I hope you take your time considering what I have said :)
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Post by Mnemozin »

If you want balanced, bug-free experience, you should play Belzebub. It's basically the same mod, just without multiplayer. There's no issues that you have listed. Tchernobog is fairly unbalanced and buggy at the time.
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Post by Slimmo »

Yeah I know but I play with a friend so Belzebub is not an option.
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