Bugs and suggestions

Diablo 1 HD, codename Belzebub - General forum.
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Post by 1)ragons13lood »

Don't know if this been said on here cause there 38 posts

Don't know if this is normal I'm new to diablo 1 HD mod, but When i was fighting the Butcher. I was trying to use frost shard on him, it wouldn't hit him at all, shards just passing through him.

Another annoying thing, When playing the nec class if one of your skeletons are in the door way, And you are trying to pass him just get annoying message can not go there (-.-)!

Admins can you please fix that!! were we can walk through our summons.

BTW! been loving this mod a lot just fact summoning skeles in diablo 1 :shock: I get a huge boner lol. Hope you guys are still working on this mod? Do you guys have a donation botton I would like to show some love toward the mod!! (^0^)Kiss
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Post by riesa »

Butcher was cold immune, that's why shards was passing him.

Nec have some blocking prevention. Skelies are always trying to be 2 tiles from necro (so one tile between nec and skele are free). So when you move one step to your minion staying in doorway he will move one step forward too. Then you make another step and you can go further. You have also unsummon spell. Skellies are not so expensive in summoning so... Afterall when you learn Teleport, you're problems will fade away.
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Post by thuesday »

Hi there, thanks for this awesome game.

When I first enter the "THE ISLAND OF THE SUNLESS SEA" map, my char doesnt say anything.
Some time later i create a portal because of selling the new stuff and rejoin the map again. Now my char says: "I havent been here" :P

Isnt a big mistake in game but may you like to fix it.


(Version 1.045, 2 times, one with sorc +talked farman before, another with rouge )
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Post by Poopnfartzzz »

Hey guys, first suggestion here.
Sometimes when I play I die because I used a scroll on my belt by accident instead of a potion. If it's an offensive spell, when I respawn in town my cursor is still set to cast it. When I try to move I can't, and I get the "I can't cast that spell here" making me have to start a new game and lose my progress in whatever floor I was on.
Maybe when when you die you should the reset whatever actions your character were taking or something? My knowledge of how it works is nonexistent, but I'm sure you guys can work it out.
Thanks so much! Keep working on multiplayer! I won't ever be happy in my life until I can play this mod with you guys.
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Post by InSorteDiaboli »

Użyłem zwoju warp ( ot tak leżał w sakwie ) teleport nie działa.
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Post by theon »

Pierwszy raz mi się coś takiego zdarzyło, nie wiem czy było zgłaszane, ale na wszelki wypadek zgłoszę.

Kiedy mamy perfekcyjne wyczucie czasu możemy uniknąć śmierci. Pierwszy raz zdarzyło mi się coś takiego.
lvl torment, dlvl 10. Teleportowałem się nekrusem wraz z swoimi szkieletami, pechowo trafiłem na duzą grupę mobów, które zaczeły mnie trafiać, więc odruchowo chciałem wcisnąć bind pod picie pota zdrowia. I stało się coś bardzo dziwnego. Życie musiało mi spaść do zera, bo:
a) odegrał dźwięk śmierci postaci.
b) wypadło mi złoto
c) znikły ikony i bonusy (wyświetlenie liczby szkieletów, blood ritual)

Ale żyłem nadał. Ekran nie stał się czerwony. Uważam, że to poważny błąd, bo może umożliwić napisanie programu, który będzie pił potkę w momencie śmierci. Screena z oczywistych powodów nie mam z tego zdarzenia, tylko chwilkę później).

Screeny niżej (zmniejszone i w PNG, jak coś mogę podesłać oryginalne)


Drugi screen, już z zapuszczonym blood ritualem, mimo wszystko dalej nie widać licznika szkieletów. Widać dropnięte złoto.

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Post by Ugily »

Hey guys, first suggestion here.
Sometimes when I play I die because I used a scroll on my belt by accident instead of a potion. If it's an offensive spell, when I respawn in town my cursor is still set to cast it. When I try to move I can't, and I get the "I can't cast that spell here" making me have to start a new game and lose my progress in whatever floor I was on.
Maybe when when you die you should the reset whatever actions your character were taking or something? My knowledge of how it works is nonexistent, but I'm sure you guys can work it out.
Thanks so much! Keep working on multiplayer! I won't ever be happy in my life until I can play this mod with you guys.
If this happens, open your inventory and hit W to change hands. that will negate the spell cast and restore movement and regular cursor.
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Post by Poopnfartzzz »

Well son of a bitch... Thanks!
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Post by Ugily »


In town, Wirt was selling a high price item 1oooooo gold. Even though I carried over 2500000 gold to buy the item, I could not stating that I had not enough gold.
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Post by Ugily »



New recipe. Upgrade MAGIC/RARE/CRAFTED one hand weapon to second hand weapon. Limit to single handed weapon classes obviously. Require high STR levels.

This would be specially beneficially for such items as crafted Champions weapon that also gives AC bonus.
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Post by Venom »

Ok, I am new here and also new to this great mod, can not stop playing, what a nice revive of a classic.

So, I have sighted a few bugs and have a few suggestions, I know that they are probably already posted here, but just in case...


• make color of a unique items more dark gold, just like in original Diablo or Diablo 2, actual color often confusing me with rares.

• when talk to Pepin and Adria automatically heal or recharge mana.


• when getting quest Infestation of Worms and talk to Pepin about this quest, the will crash.

Thanks in advance, if I recall to something, I will post it later...and of course, keep it up!! :!: :wink:

And most IMPORTANT: Make the balanced mod, not almost inplayable in some cases, for example, I can not kill Butcher on Nightmare with sorceror because he has generated for me with Fast affix and before I can do anything he kill me in a two seconds !! Make the game fun, not FRUSTRATING!!
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Post by Wormek »

Hej, znalazłem buga. Chodzi o laski z magicznymi wyładowaniami. Znalazłem już kilka takich, które nie działały. To znaczy miały jeszcze wyładowania, ale kiedy chciałem ich użyć to zachowywały się tak, jakby żadnych wyładowań już nie było, mogłem nimi tylko atakować wręcz... Ktoś miał taki sam problem?
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Post by theon »

Kiedy jest za dużo dropu na podłodze, nie widać przywołańców.
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Lost my character

Post by oldbootz »

Not sure if this has been said yet - too much to read.

I left my game on and the power cut off at my house. When i logged back into the game after power came back on I found that my character I was playing was no longer on the list and when I logged into another character the shared stash was empty.

This is causing me a lot of grief :/ I love this game + mod.
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Post by Martim »

When the power was cut-off at your house, there's a chance the game was accessing the data of your char to save at that time, and maybe this caused your char save to disapear. If that what's happened, I don't think this qualifies as a bug.

Is this char the only one that disapeared? Did you have others?
Because if you are running the game with windows vista (and others that I don't remember right now), you should run as administrator, otherwish the game won't save the characters.

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