Bugs and suggestions

Diablo 1 HD, codename Belzebub - General forum.
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Post by Zeb »

BrightLord wrote:In multiplayer version cain has shop with identify scrolls as well as identify cursor and identify all button

I didn't think the multiplayer version was out yet. If it is please let me know where I can download it.

Also found a game-crashing bug when I was trying to craft an item and tested it a few times just to be sure. When trying to remove gems from the stash lets say you had 10 flawed sapphires and you right click to and get the window that asks you "How many would you like to remove?" if you try to remove all of them through this option by inputting 10 or however many of them there may be it will cause the game to crash. It happens with all stack-able items (oils, gold, and gems) and it only happens when you try and remove the item from a stash (both the trade stash and the private stash) it doesn't happen when you try and remove an item from your inventory this way.

I'm on single player beta V. 1.042


I just patched from 1.042 to 1.043 and I noticed a massive decrease in the damage that lightning and chain lightning dealt. I went back and forth between 1.042 and 1.043 just to be sure and in 1.043 it takes 5-7 casts of chain lightning to kill the same enemy that only took 1-3 to kill in 1.042. I didn't notice anything about these spells or enemy lighting resist in the change log and I didn't notice any change to the spells tool tips either.
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Post by Rota »

My old suggestion is about Crafing Staff. If you will make many craftings on the same staff, "incerase charges" are not resseting. So for ex. Your staff after 100 craftings when you will get nice item, will have tousands of charges of skill in staff. When you again enter the game, charges are changing to -xxxxx (minus) so your staff charges doesn't work and also if you are using or just have the staff anywhere, the game crashes after few minutes.

Post by BrightLord »

Those last two crash-bugs are fixed with 1.044
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Post by Wormek »

Do skills for each character have their limits as it was in basic Diablo? Because I give all my points in magic for my sorcerer but I will need some strenght too to wear heavier armors later. How does it look in this mod? Because there are no elixirs which give you skill points for ever...
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Post by Wingard »

I have a suggestion about the Mushroom pile of the Black mushroom quest. Many people (myself included) had or still have troubles finding it. How about making it scripted so it cannot appear behind the wall? These troubles are 95% of the time about that.
Many quest objects or little arenas have even the whole neighborhood of the level changed for them, like Anvil of fury for example. Making mushroom pile placed that way would save so much time and spare frustration.
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Post by Wormek »

Zeb, I got same 'problem' in new patch. On the beginning I found staff of lighting, and in my first staff I had charged bolt (same levels, I didn't know any of this spell before, only in staffs). But... my lighting spell didn't work - it couldn't kill anyone! So I used all my charges (it was about 10) on 1 skeleton - and I was wrong... It took him 1/3 of his life... after 10 lighting spells! While I destroyed him using one shot of charged bolt.
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Post by riesa »

Wingard wrote:I have a suggestion about the Mushroom pile of the Black mushroom quest. Many people (myself included) had or still have troubles finding it. How about making it scripted so it cannot appear behind the wall?
It should be behind the wall. that's how mushroom's grow in caves ;P But... i have other idea. Mushroom Pile should be available to see with alt button, same as Magic Rock. This would solve all the problems without scripting respawns of Piles.
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Post by chillerspoon »

It's been mentioned before but I'll mention it again, the full Arctic set bonuses do not apply - the strength, HP, extra cold damage etc - zero of them apply when wearing full gear. (it makes a pretty cool sound to acknowledge the full set when worn though) The individual bonuses do apply.

Post by BrightLord »

Next version will revert lightning and chain lightning changes. That wasnt intentional change
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Post by Wingard »

It should be behind the wall. that's how mushroom's grow in caves
So whenever someone comes nearby they move behind the corner to not be seen? :) I believe you mean ON the wall.

And yeah, quest-related objects being available to be seen with alt button was already suggested somewhere.
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Post by riesa »

Ofc i meant ON the wall, sorry ;P And only quest related item that isn't affected by ALT button is Mushroom Patch. Even Magic Rock, that is needed to be clicked to be dropped, is seen after pressing ALT button so...
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Post by theon »


tl;dr - problem with duplicating gold.


Zauważyłem, nie wiem czy to błąd, ale może dziurę w systemie antycheaterskim wbudowanym w grę. Gra sprawdza jak mi się wydaje id przedmiotów i na tej podstawie uznaje, czy coś jest cheatem, czy nie.
Otóż można sobie generować dowolne ilości złota. Komórki są zmianne, ale odszukać wartość nie jest trudno. Normalnie gra po poruszeniu przedmiotu wykryje duplikat i usunie go, w tym jednak wypadku można kliknąć na złocie w inv, tak jakby chciało się je podzielić i przesunąć prawie wszystko (nie sprawdzałem różnych kombinacji), tak by gra usunęła starą zawartość, a zostawiła to co jest przesuwane. W efekcie szybko można się wzbogacić. Nie wczytywałem się przyznam w to czy gra będzie miała MP, czy nie, ale może warto o tym wiedzieć.

"Keep smiling, visitor. Life is brief and so is glory, but death is forever."
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Post by p4v8x-mx »

make to corpse explosion no kill summon skeletons

ps. i bad know english :\
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Post by blankname »

a few bugs i noticed while playing with my rogue today:
- when wearing a Bramble that gives -5 to all attribbutes, all attributes appear in red in the character info, even tho i have other items that give more than 5 to some attributes
- if you use the Multiple Arrows skill while not wearing a bow, the skill consumes mana without using the skill
- the artic set doesnt give +6-14 cold damage
- i was able to hit the butcher with a bow from behind the doors
- in belzebub when a mob dies, others mobs can instantly pass though him, while in original diablo, mobs were solid while they were playing the dying animation
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Post by Martim »

What about automatic gold pick up, like in Diablo3? There are too many things on the ground on torment dificulty...

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