My opinion

Diablo 1 HD, codename Belzebub - General forum.
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My opinion

Post by Kamiledi15 »

This mod is amazing, but I had to quit it on level 8. It just started to be impossible to beat with assassin. Until level 8 the difficulty was acceptable, but this level is extremely hard. I was playing this one level for about 4 hours, dying on every corner about 100 times, but somehow I finally got through it. But then I came into Horazon sanctuary... And again, it was extremely hard, but I was able to almost beat it. Almost... When I got to fight with Summoner, I had to quit. He summons more and more monsters, his attacks can kill me in 1 second with full life, and when I come back from town whole place is filled with summoned monsters. I would have to start again and grind, grind for few more hours, then probably I would be able to kill him. The problem is that I don't like grinding - it's just extremely boring to come back to early levels and kill the same monsters, just to gain more experience. Maybe I just took wrong character - assassin is probably for more advanced players, who know how to use her. But I've got through basic Diablo game for about 10 times within last 20 years, so I thought that I know what I'm doing. Now it would be too boring to start whole game again, so I had to uninstall it.
I know that this is based on Diablo 2, where monsters also reappeared after restart. But in Diablo 2 I NEVER had to come back to gain experience, the gameplay was smooth just like in original Diablo 1.
There are few difficulty levels and I don't think it's normal that I can die in one second on lowest difficulty. I like hard games, but this is just too much.
Don't get me wrong - this mod is AMAZING, and your work is outstanding. I just don't like that the monsters reappear after every restart and that you have to grind, grind, and grind again, to get through it. This is extremely good mod, but ruined with some ideas which I don't like. Maybe I will give it another chance in the future.
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Joined: 22 Mar, 2018 7:34

Re: My opinion

Post by SkyrosX2 »

Assassin is the hardest one to play with.
Start with Sorcerer and go from there. It will be a very different experience, I assure you.
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