Help with the game saving progress?

Diablo 1 HD, codename Belzebub - General forum.
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Fish Gaming
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Help with the game saving progress?

Post by Fish Gaming »


I am completely new to this mod and started it today. Love everything it has to offer even if it has some bugs. I played for a couple hours and then went to save my game progress and never saw an option. Thought maybe it auto save. I left and came back, my hero was there, all my inventory and stash items were there but I was back in a new game. Is there no way to save the progress you have in game?

Thanks for the help guys!
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Joined: 08 Sep, 2014 23:39

Re: Help with the game saving progress?

Post by Ugily »

The dungeons levels will always reset. However, once you solve most of the quests, the reward prize can not be won a second time. You may however, run an in game quest such as Valor again and again, but you will not receive another Arcane Valor suit of armor, just a rare armor drop.

If you want all of the completed levels to remain cleared, never close out the game. Doing this however, doesn't allow you to grind areas over and over for experience and loot.

Many of us would like to see a saved game option for SINGLE PLAYER regarding level clearing and official quest completion. You are not going to see this in Belzebub as this mod is essentially complete unless devs come back on a whim to add a few bug fixes and game balance adjustments. Not likely as the Tchernobog side of the game engine is currently under development to fix these issues. It is assumed that at some point, all of the goodness of Belzebub such as quests in single player will be activated in the Tchernobog code. Both are the same mod, Diablo 1 HD Mod, just two components of the game.

If saving game status was implemented in Single Player I make these suggestions:
1) Auto-save game status. No player save option. If you die, you have to resurrect and fight your way back to your dropped loot and regenerated enemy mob.
2) Single Player characters are always available to load in Multi Player games. This mode can be played for XP and loot farming with only one character running in the MP game.
3) Allow respawn of randomly placed higher level MLvl mobs plus random boss in lower Dlvl after each hour of completion after clearing a dungeon map. The thought is, hey Hellions, level three was attacked, lets portal in reinforcements to defend against the Humans. Limit the total number of mobs that can respawn at one time to a random 1-2 per hour with no more than the map can handle, say 5 per difficulty.
4) Allow spawn of close proximity enemies such as Necro or a Demon that can gate in reinforcements or summons if a player spends more than an hour (plus 30 min per difficulty) clearing a dungeon level. Have them spawn somewhere on the player visible screen of the map area. Have the Necro immediately begin reviving dead enemies or summoning skeletons.
5) Chests are not respawned
6) Make quest reward items set pieces. At each new difficulty, add a new, higher Ilvl piece to the set. Complete Torment level quest to complete the 4 piece set. Example, Arcane Valor in Normal is the suit of armor, Arcane Valor in Nightmare is a Belt, Hell is a Shield, Torment is the final piece Helmet. Each piece has appropriate stat properties. Added number of set pieces adds the combined set stat properties. Allow all quest set items to also be upgraded in tier with crafting. Allow a random additional stat to be rolled on quest item creation to bring some uniqueness to the item/set. These items may not be a perfect fit set in single player, but this makes them potentially very trade worthy in multiplayer to build the perfect set version for whatever character class build. Furthermore, some items could be quite entertaining such as the Fools Crest and so on. Useless by itself, but maybe something creative could be built.
7) Upon character death, enemies can not congregate near portals, stairs, or gates. After death and before restart game, enemies move a distance so that the player is not instantly killed when entering the level again.
8) Give town portal a deactivation time. 5 minutes before the portal fades.

Furthermore to differentiate multiplayer:
1) Auto-save only character status. Keep things the way they are.
2) Implement alternative quest rewards to replace the Single player canon quests.
3) Implement a unique single random quest/story line for each new game. Make this a possible overall goal for each new game. Example, first player to bring back 100 demon brains receives a reward from the healer. Collect 25 rare weapons and armor each for Blacksmith. Retrieve 25 spellbooks each for the Witch.... This would be a collaborative or competitive quest.
4) Implement a random quest engine (see economic system below). Example: Kill Joe the Plumber boss in Catecombs and return with his head. Find the chest in the caves and return with it's contents. Bring more mushrooms to the witch. Resurrect the Slain Hero. Kill everything in level 10 within 30 minutes...clock starts now.
5) Higher rate of respawn in cleared dungeons for loitering.
6) Create an economic system to make gold valuable. Let vendor items for sale more aptly reflect the difficulty level. Allow a charity system to donate to the town coffers in exchange for buffs for one game/life. Purchase of temporary item improvements such as increased charges, improve one stat, temporary added random effect... Make these services very expensive. Some high level quests can be bought from Wert for a significant bribe. Blacksmith can infrequently sell permanent item improvements such as increase durability, increase stat, add random stat (to a limit), improve weapon speed, etc. Make repair items and recharge staff more expensive based on its Ilvl. If an item breaks, it permanently loses one durability point.
7) Must also prevent duping of gold and item cheating.
Posts: 419
Joined: 08 Sep, 2014 23:39

Re: Help with the game saving progress?

Post by Ugily »

At sometime, I will post my growing list of suggestions in the Discord
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