Tips on how to level up warrior?

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Tips on how to level up warrior?

Post by SkyrosX2 »

Hi, everyone!
After almost 1 year off, I decided to try to finish the game with my warrior.
I have good gear, but I need to get to level 50. I'm 45 atm. I'm stuck on Diablo in Hell difficulty. I could beat him easily if I could use my level 50 gear.

Any tips on how to level up fast with warrior?
Right now what I'm doing is using my Sorcerer items. I go to Cave lvl 12, $Player3, and spam Chain Lightning. I die to bosses sometimes.
I did the math, and it takes around 2600 minions killed to get to 46. It's only going to get even slower after each level.

So, any tips on how to level up Warrior?!
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Post by Ugily »

You just have to keep replaying the Hells, replaying the quest areas at the highest $PLAYER x difficulty you can barely survive. Change up gear and have several options to equip for different monster scenarios. Maybe you find some gear while you continue to level up. Maybe some crafting could give you a boost.

Really, I would just focus on trying to beat Diablo in his lair as quickly as possible at whatever level you are currently at. Just get to Torment, that is where this game gets interesting and challenging. You will level up faster there.
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Post by SkyrosX2 »

Hi, Ugily, nice seeing you around! =D Are you playing these days, or just checking the forum occasionally?

Yeah, your description is pretty straight forward. I guess there aren't really any ways to boost up the level grinding. =/

After MANY FREAKING TRIES, I managed to kill Diablo using the Guardian+Teleport strategy. It was not easy at all, he would always start spamming minions and the Guardians would stop attacking Diablo... but I managed, miraculously.

The reasons I was doing Caves instead of Hell is because in Caves you can easily find large groups of monsters, way more than in Hell levels.

I still need to grind from 46 to 50 so I can use my gear... such a hustle........... at least I hope it will be faster in Torment difficulty.
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Post by Ugily »

I check the forum every couple of days and check Qndel's discord.

I play my Necro in Torment at $PLAYER 5 in quest areas but still haven't defeated Diablo in Terror Domain Torment.

Rogue can clear Torment $PLAYER 5 pretty easily, but for a challenge, am running with lower level gear to make it a fair fight.

Still have Assassin, Warrior just starting torment. Barbarian is starting Caves Torment.

I haven't got into Tchernobog because gameplay is very jumpy on my system and I haven't troubleshot that bug yet.

Looking forward to Infernity2 if Qndel incorporates Brightlord's work.
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Post by SkyrosX2 »

Oh, nice to see you are so active, Ugily! =)

Just one quick question: why do you emphasize farming on "quest areas". Are quest areas better in any way than just regular areas?
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Post by Ugily »

Quest areas...

They are somewhat challenging at high $PLAYER x.

These areas are generally very easy to get to with teleport.

Can play a quick game if clearing that quest is your goal. You will always find some treasure and XP award.

Then go back to real life chores.

My Belzebub gaming goal right now is to find crafting scrolls to get Spellweaver Ring, Callers Amulet, and a few others to complete some special crafted equipment builds.
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Post by SkyrosX2 »

I have good tips to add to this self-made post.

It was a torture to grow upwards from level 45 with Warrior. As mentioned, I was doing caves in Hell difficulty using Sorcerer gear (spamming Chain Lightning and Apocalypse).
I managed to get to Torment difficulty, but the experience there is not worth it at all for a level 45 character. And I was dying more often than in Hell difficulty. So, basically, getting to Torment quick was a waste of time and effort.

Since it was so boring, I decided to experiment SEVERAL areas and strategies while grinding experience. And this is my conclusion:
Towards the end of Hell Difficulty, the best way to grind experience with a Warrior is in the River of Flame (Hellforge Hammer quest area).
The advantages are many:
1-The monsters are always the same, so you do not need to worry about having to re-start the game in hopes of easy mobs to kill.
2-The experience is as high as the cap goes with $Players 10.
3-The monsters are all vulnerable to lightning; just spam Chain Lightning with you Sorcerer gear and you will thrive.
4-Map is short and mobs are big.
5-It has several Caldrons, they always help and if you are lucky you will even get Experience Boosts sometimes.

Basically, I went from having to restart the game occasionally and using $Player 3 in Caves (in order not to die too often) to $Player 10 in a higher level area with no dying and no restarting the game. Yay!

A few tips:
1-If the level 14 Hell (which you need to go to find the way down to the River of Flame) has easy mobs, it is worth clearing this level with Chain Lightning too. If not, just teleport around to find the path down.
2-Watch out for the traps that spit fire when you step on them; they kill you almost instantly.
3-Skip the mob bosses; they are not worth the time (unless they are easy and not immune to Lightning).
4-Skip the strong balrog in the extreme northen area; he is never worth killing.

This strategy gave me experience slightly over 3 times faster than in the Caves. That's 1/3 of the time I was going to need to get to level 50, lol, massive difference.
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