still waiting for rare drops

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still waiting for rare drops

Post by SPAZZ »

Been playing Torment with a Necro with 428 Magic for over a year and doing farming runs...still trying to find ...The Grandfather/Immortal Kings Axe/ Bul-kathos Sacred Charge/Seraph's Asylum/Giant rare are these drops were is the best place that they drop and what is (qlvl 73) say like on the Giant Skull mean? does this effect when it will drop or is it pure luck?

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Post by Ugily »

Farm Torment Terror Domain at $player x

Run at the highest difficulty you can. These items are very rare and I have only seen Giant Skull dropped once.
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Post by SPAZZ »

dam thats what i thought..thanx man
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Post by SkyrosX2 »

Hi, Spazz!

After years of gameplay with multiple characters etc etc etc... I only found the Grandfather ONCE, with a Rogue. It was Diablo himself who dropped it, in Torment, with $Player 3 activated.
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Post by SPAZZ »

Thanx Guys..but what is this...($Player 3 activated) or ($Playerx)..what does this mean?
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Post by Wendigo »

If you hit the Enter key (turning on the player chat, which has no use in Belzebub aside from this code), and then type $player"X", where "X" is a number between 0 and 10, the game will increase the difficulty by that much. It's supposed to mimic how many additional players are in the game, so 0 is default and 10 is really, really hard. You'll know it's worked if the line responds with "$Player X Activated."

It helps because when you're in a place where it's gotten too easy to grind, the added difficulty will help you get more experience and better items (from monsters only, the change has no effect on chests). It's suggested you advance up the difficulties slowly, as each level can bring about some pretty dramatic and damning changes.
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Post by SPAZZ »

thats you think it matters what player you are using to get loot? will a Necro ever see a Grandfather drop? or should i start farming runs with a Rogue like SkyrosX2 did?
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Post by Wendigo »

It doesn't make a difference, no. A Necro or Sorc is just as likely to get a Grandfather as any other character. If you're farming for a specific item, all you can really do is ask where others have found it and try to emulate that. Skyros was probably just using a Rogue because his Rogue had the easiest time killing Toment Dibs. Otherwise just pick a character: if you want to farm for the highest-level gear, use you're highest-level character in the highest-level spot you can survive. It helps if that spot has a predesignated floor plan so you can plot efficient runs, which is where $PlayerX comes in: it allows you to increase the difficulty in a spot you know well and know you can take, instead of having to move on to something worse.
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Post by SPAZZ »

i just tried that $Player3 and it is giving me an Unrecognized Command...any help would be great..also if i get it to work i can always set it back to how it was...right?
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Post by SPAZZ »

OK i think i got it to work is say's (new monster power 8) it does not say activated or anything like that..let me give this a shot
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Post by SPAZZ »

:o that trick at level 3 is hard but beatable ..has anyone beat it at level 10..if so that dude is a god! lmao
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