Tchenobog bugs

Diablo 1 HD, codename Tchernbog - General forum.
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Tchenobog bugs

Post by Simpa_ »

I have found some bugs in the game, and hope someone can fix it.

-Raise skeleton bug
-Raise zombiebug
-Frostskill bug
-Sell items whit one click
-Move items with shift and left mouse button
-Questbug - add all quest and text
-Gamblebug - fix so you can gamle more than 1 time per game
-Waypoint bug
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Post by radicool »

It's good you've spent the time to test out some things and report back, but this information won't help anyone. A couple of things.

1.) You can submit bug reports here:

2.) Saying there is a bug doesn't help unless you describe the bug. You'll need to describe when and how the bug happens (does it happen when you cast the spell, does it only happen on the Warrior class, does it only happen with a certain item equipped) and what the bug actually does to your computer (does the game crash, is there a weird graphics problem, does the spell not do enough damage, are there 2 skeletons when there should be 3, etc.)

This information would help the developer understand the problem so he can better fix it. If you want to go above and beyond, you can even share a video recording of the bug.
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Post by Wendigo »

For style points, make sure Yakety Sax is playing in the background of your bug/glitch compilation video. :lol:
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still under active development?

Post by ander357 »

is this mod still undergoing bug fixes, further development etc? i didnt think any changes had been made in a few years; to belzebub or tchernobog.
Check out "Diablo The Hell" also an awesome mod!
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Game frozen at second level of the dungeon

Post by Nordland »

Hi all , I just want to say this a great mod, allawys frozen to me at level 2 of the dungeon , out side of a room with epapated bodies.. salutes
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