Griswold/Adria Repair/Recharge All Equipment Crash

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Griswold/Adria Repair/Recharge All Equipment Crash

Post by Eutychian »


This is a recurring crash I'm having and I did search the forums to find only 1 post that mentions it, without a clear solution to it, I'm making this post in hope someone knows how to fix it or a work around it.

This happens almost everytime after finding new rare equipment, teleporting to town to identify it or sell it, and after deciding which pieces to sell to Griswold or Adria, when pointing my mouse close to the "repair/recharge all equipment" mark, it freezes the game and then crashes.

I can't be the only one experiencing this so if anyone can help me I'll greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
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Post by Wendigo »

Yes, I had this exact issue. It fixed right up with a reinstall.

(Always make a character file backup before doing a reinstall.)
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Post by Ugily »

Griswald crash seems to happen less if I let him finish his dialog before moving the mouse.
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Post by tomasz86 »

I have the same issue. The game basically crashes at least once every 1-2 hours of play. It is very annoying, especially when happening in the middle of a quest :(. I have tried a clean installation, have waited for a few seconds for Griswold to finish his speech, etc., but the result has always been the same, eventually. Next time I am going not to use the Repair All icon at all (and just always repair everything one by one) to see if there is any difference.

I am curious though if the crash is actually caused by the game / mod itself, or maybe it is related to the operating system (Windows 10), graphics driver (AMD Radeon), or something else.
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Post by Wendigo »

Oh boy, I'm going to get merry hell for this, but it looks like the most appropriate fix is to tell the game NOT to run in compatibility mode. Seems as though it's caused by overtasking the information coming out of the diabdat.mpq file, which the compatibility editor is bottlenecking. If you can't play the game without compy mode, try keeping the disc in the tray while playing so it can access it independently.
If you have another game disc lying around, you can try using that instead to get a fresh copy of the diabdat.mpq file, assuming the above doesn't work/isn't an option.
Hope that helps!
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Post by tomasz86 »

I am not sure if compatibility mode has anything to do with it... I have been playing in Windows 10 with no additional settings (just diabdat.mpq copied to the folder with the Belzebub Mod files) and still have the issue. Since the last post, however, I have played many hours without using the Repair All option at all, and there have been no crashes so far.

Edit: I am almost certain that the crash happens as soon as you hover the Repair All button with mouse (without even clicking on it). The crash does not always happen, but it happens often enough to make the game extremely annoying. However, during the last few days I played twice all the way from Tristram to Diablo, and had zero crashes as long as I was repairing my gear one by one. Only in the Terror Domain, right before fighting Diablo, I went to Griswold and by mistake hovered the Repair All button, and the game crashed immediately. So, my solution would be to simply ignore the Repair Button and repair everything individually. It may be less convenient, but does not really take that much more time, and definitely improves the overall gameplay (as I personally have not experienced any other crashes than this one).
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Crashing is a pain

Post by SamAlchemist »

I am running on Win10, which requires administrator level to be able to save, but haven't needed to set compatibility. Like you, it was crashing regularly with Griswold. Never saw it crash with Adria. Dialog timing didn't make a difference.

Like you, i found the best workaround was to avoid the Repair All as much as possible. I carefully move the mouse under the Sell button to cash in my loot. Then i walk away without closing to avoid crashing and talk to Adria. If i really need my stuff repaired, i return to Griz and slowly move my mouse under the dialog and straight up to Repair All. It still occasionally crashes, but much less frequently. I didn't try repairing one at a time.

It never crashes when first starting, so i often get a Repair All in then. Sorceror and Necro rarely need repairing, and Warrior can do it himself. Rogue sometimes needs it, but Barb and Assassin need it every time they come up for air.
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Post by hldemi »

I am gonna stay silent on this one.
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Post by SamAlchemist »

Couple other tactics to minimize crashing with Griswold:

1. Sell all your loot to Gheed. He buys almost everything except crafting recipes. Yes, you only get 1/3 of its value, but once you have plenty of gold it's not such a big deal.

2. Turn off the music (slider all the way to the left) under Sound. I've noticed the game goes silent just before crashing. Maybe calculating cost of Repair All + playing Music is too much for the game.
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Post by tomasz86 »

I am just writing to confirm that I have experienced 0 (zero) crashes for the last few months. I have simply avoided using the Repair All option completely and always repaired all items one by one.
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